aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. shanna261
    Hello AnnKo welcome to the group.
  2. AnnKo
    Hello There shanna261,
    Thank You~~
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello and welcome to you AnnKo Yay more people are joining and chatting! Hope your well? How are things?
  4. AnnKo
    Thank You~
    I'm Well, simply Bored.
    What About You, Sio?
  5. Robee
    @AnnKo: Welcome to shy/thinker's club

    We've narrow our discussion to two topics:

    (1) How to trick Perez Hilton into inserting a 'Nuclear suppository' into his butt by convincing him it'll enhance his sex life.

    (2) We kidnap Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) and submit him some involuntary, emergency body waxing!
    (Those eyebrows: Helter Skelter!)

    You're the tie breaker! Kidding!
  6. Robee
    P.S. I fed the babies today!
  7. shanna261
    That can't be what we are talking about right coz if it is I am totally out of the loop lol
  8. AnnKo
    ~Thanks, Haha
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    I always feel slightly incestuous about Daniel Radcliffe - my younger borther, the one closest to me in age is almost his double when Radcliffe is wearing the glasses *we are a eye glasses family * they could be twins and yet I find Radcliffe quite good looking *yes even the eyebrows* what is that about? sick
    Whos Perez Hilton? I did a google search said he was some kind of online gossip columnist? I take it since we are plotting his nuclear demise that he's not funny or interesting?
  10. Robee
    @sio chan: In response to the last part of your post: Both!:

    As for your younger brother looking like Daniel Radcliffe...
    One important question:

    "Is he over eighteen-single-gay-top/bottom-do-you-have-pictures!?!?!?"

    three 'naughty' looking guys

    JuSt KiDdInG!

    How are things going with you?

    {P.S. I fed the babies.}
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