aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. shanna261
    Yay another Canadian I looked the groups and there is no Canadian group that's so unfair. I was disabled sense I was 6 months old, my father thought it be a good idea to shake me. But your right Robee time heals all wounds. The doctors said I wouldn't live to see my 1st b day and when I proved them wrong they say I will never walk. I proved them wrong a second time.
  2. Robee
    @shanna261: Actually, this groups' creator is Canadian from TO; myself, I live in 'Winter-peg'. I havn't looked for another Canadian Group on this Web Site; didn't really plan to. I like to draw on experiences from around the world and what other people think or feel. A feminist, Audrey Lourdes, once said that people should strive to become an 'eccletic'; meaning people should strive to gather experiences from the world around them in education and life as well. To become a more rounded individuals.
    Granted, our country is pretty big. Regional, economic, cultural, and political desparity spans from BC to NFLD. But we do have the same thing in common: 'We are our own worst critics'. We probably spend more time openly criticising everthing about ourselves and each other. And I mean everthing, nothing is sacred and we do it with logic and humor.

    You can get critics from around the world to come to Canada and take our country apart from it's foundations up but you'll never get anyone to do it with more "bite", or satire, or honesty than a Canadian can. I think that is 'one' of the things that makes us unique; we are not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. Here's proof; I just used my spell check to see if I spelled 'criticizing' wrong and I was right I did spelled it wrong... "I screwed up-I'm not perfect!"
    That's one of the things that keeps us humble.
  3. Robee
    P.S. I fed the babies today!
  4. shanna261
    I am so happy Sora is at level 20 thanks to anyone that feed him. I am so glad I joined this site, I made so many good friends here. The best thing is that I don't get judged I don't have too be afriad to say something and feel stupid for it.
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    Oh so very tired I've done nothing but sleep and I'm still tired!! So looking forward to pay day this five week month is killing me!! one week to go and I'll be solvent again, ok time to share a fear, I think I'm on the verge of being kicked out of the house
    Scots tend to intentionally underestimate ourselves and we are unbelievably stubborn about everything~! ^^ Plus we are very cynical and have a rather dry sense of humour
  6. Robee
    @sio chan: "Why are you afraid of being kicked out of the house?" If you don't mind me asking?
    Five week month!? Good God, I did that for three months when demand for our product was needed. The pay was great but the only problem was by the end of the three months I was too physically dead to spend it!

    Humor in Canada is a mix of cynicism+facetioussness+black (dark)+Double entrée+multi-ethnic+puerile innuendo.
  7. kumakun
    sio chan are you ok?
    Robee <3 XD
    I love Rick Mercer and I wish he was on all year and not just fall and winter...everytime something happens I'm like "oh I wonder what Rick thinks!" I love his rants <3

    sorry for not being around..I'm not really on aarin anymore even tho I still watch everything that goes on..I don't know if I'm tired or just to lazy to type..I sorta fail but thats the way I am right now

    nice to meet you shanna261..like Robee said I am indeed from canada too
  8. Robee
    @kumakun: We all need to take a break once and awhile; remember I wasn't logged on for almost three months.
    ( ...I let the poor babies starve! )
    Our real lives do have a tendency to "suck the life out of us" and we need to take a breather just to put everything back in perspective again.

    I love a good Rick Mercer rant, especially on our government, but for good rant no the nature of 'human beings' (and I use that term loosely) and how truly stupid we truly are I usually go to George Carlin.

    P.S> I fed the babies this moning!
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    Well younger brother has moved in with dad and other younger brother in may and mother has moved in with her boyfriend 'part time' meaning she stays in the house with me two nights a week, she wants me to move into my own flat, she wants me to put my name down on housing lists she wants to sell the house so that she can live with her boyfriend all the time and not worry about me feeling lonely (!) the hints are getting less subtle and I'm starting to feel pressured 'Your 24 you should be living on your own or with a flat mate by now' and I can appreciate where she's coming why should her life be put on hold just because I'm not ready to leave the 'family home' its not even that any more I'm home alone most of the time but when it comes right down to it, I have looked into flats the best I'm likely to afford on what I'm earning and what my expenditures are, is a bedsit in some very rough areas *lots of drug dealers* >.< and even if I am left with no choice but to go for this its going to leave me living from paycheck to paycheck because I wont have anything left over to save which means all the plans I have for further study/ travel is pretty much dust unless I get a bank loan (which is still an option) but I cant shake this very real fear that my mums on the verge of telling me that she's selling the house and I have so many months to find myself somewhere to live my dads is an option at a push (he's offered me the 'office' big enough to hold a desk with a computer I could in theory fit a single bed in there and the rest of my stuff would have to go into the attic) which is actually what would have to happen if I end up in a bedsit I'd fit as much as I could into the one room and the rest would end up in my dads attic anyway >.< *sigh* feeling down and all out of sorts with life in general and I'm looking on the dark side I dont know why I'm not jumping at my dads offer its like I want to prove my mum right (or wrong?) by living alone probably in some hell hole and struggling with money just so that I can ... what call her up and say look at how horrible it all is and its your fault? I'm too old for stupid vindictive child anger at a parent. I'm angry at her for trying to make me grow up ... and now I feel really stupid and childish. Its not like I'm flying the nest its more that I'm feeling pushed out and I resent it - which is worse! I know that things wont be that bad, things arent that bad now I'm just creating some very dark images and looking on the worst possible outcome *sigh* and I'm normally so up beat ^^
  10. AnnKo
    I'm New To This Group~
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