aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Viccusays
    Oh yeah what pets are these that you can go days without feeding them. I'm guilty of doing that with my african cichlids.
  2. Robee
    I fed the babies today!
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    the pets for the group, there all wee pokemon that when you click on them they level up ^^ I keep trying to click on them everyday but I sort of forget >.< I know this group used to be really busy but now its a little quiet ... maybe it'll pick up ^^ am I entertaining thankyou
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    Thank you robee How are you? Are things still really bad at your work? I keep hoping that things get less stressfull for you *fingers crossed*
  5. Viccusays
    <~~~wishes she can erase certain posts. Oh well.

    I'm counting the days until my mom gets here and I can get back to NY. Hopefully by Aug. I'll be home again---even if its for a short while !!!!! =0)
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    I wouldnt worry about erasing posts, I've posted some completly daft things here too ^^ You can edit your posts if you want though ... You live in New York? What do you do there? Thats like a dream city for so many folk
  7. Robee
    If I could live anywhere in the US; New York would probably be in the top five. But I'm an advocate for gun control, pro choice and same sex marriage.

    sio chan: Work is getting better...,sort of? But like an AA motto I have to take things 'one day at a time'. I'm trying to get my creative juices flowing again by focusing on writing and purging my more comedic prowness on the threads here.

    I fed the babies today!
  8. shanna261
    Hello people I hope I made the right choice on joining. I am major shy. So much so I doubt myself I love Yaoi tho so I took a big chance in joining this site 2 weeks ago. But this site is so confusing with the points and rep and power. And just last week I tried downloading death note London noir and agth but I still have not figured out how to put the english up on the clipboard so I feel so dumb right now.
  9. Robee
    shanna261: Don't feel bad; a friend once told me that;
    "Computers are designed by geniuses to be run by apes."
    Sometimes when I'm working on my computer I wonder:
    "Where the hell is 400 pound gorilla when you need one!"

    Welcome to group!

    I fed the babies today!
  10. shanna261
    Thank you I feel much better now. I got a new baby but I'm not so good with links. Can some one tell me how?
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