aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Robee
    *Just to let everyone know...,I have not died.
    Just depressed. I have hit the wall; creatively speaking of course.
    My life is being sucked dry by the idiots that work with me and surround me.
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    *huggles robee* I'm sorry your work still sucks I hope things get better soon and you get our creative juices going again *huggles some more*
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    *prods the group*
    So I had my 'return to work' meeting the other day (I was off because of the toe thing ... in my defense I couldnt walk!) anyways I might have to have a meeting with HR if they decide to 'persue' the issue regarding my attendance >.< I'm kinda scared about it I dont want a disciplinary or a verbal warning ...
    I've discovered the Antique bakery anime ^^ I'm so loving this, I really enjoyed the manga and I cant believe I didnt realise that there was an anime, a live action tv series and now a live action film being made!!! and I consider myself a fan girl *for shame* has anyone else really enjoyed a series but never really kept up with all the various spin off's? Is it just me?
  4. Viccusays
    Hey Sio chan. What a traumatic week or has it only been a couple of days that I haven't been able to log on to Aarin due to site issues? Umm...feels like years and it felt like torture. Who knew you could miss a site that much. Anyway today I was finally able to log back on. =0) Anyway, Sio they shouldn't be that hard on you. You had a valid medical reason. It isn' like you were playing hooky ----intentionally---.

    I'm the opposite. I've watched the anime but haven't read the mangas. I know some animes are based on mangas but I just haven't focused on it. I know there's a manga for loveless. I love that anime but I don't know if the manga is going to ruin it for me---and by it I mean the way it left me feeling at the end. I could be making a mistake---the manga could totally give me the continuation I'm hoping for but I don't know that, do I? Do I want to take the chance? Ok so its not that serious ~rollseyes~ but still.
    But I think my manga time will come. I find myself searching titles on sites and I read the summary and I'm like: OMG!I'm going to love it---and bam---it not an anime but manga. So yeah, once I finish with the Greats (A+ animes), i'll take on manga.
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    See I really enjoy the Loveless manga (I've not finished it yet) Its expanding on the storyline of the anime and I'm hoping that it'll come to a more conclusive ending!! The way the anime ended just really frustrated me!! ^^
    If I like a series or character then I tend to consume everything related to that, manga/ anime/ spin offs. I do try to read the mangas first though so that I can judge the anime based on the original authors work, storyline but it doesnt always work like that. I saw the 'CLose the Last Door' OVA before I read the manga but I was hooked and the manga *only vol 1 released so far* was so good! ^^But yeah I think you will tackle the manga one day ^^
    I know its so easy to get addicted to the forum I love coming here and chatting to folk and catching up, its a little bit like having a family that you want to speak to every day >.< or is that way to sentimental and mushy?
    But I think your right
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    I itch!!! Went to mulingavie last night for the last night of scouts so that we could have a wide game and a barbecue, and I of course attracted all the midges, I'm alleric to them and so I come out in welts for every insect bite and they are all on my face and neck ... I look like I should be scaring children >.< I keep trying to restrain myself from clawing at my face
  7. Viccusays
    I'm tired. I've spent all day working on a fan vid---and I mean all day. Since the clips were too long for the song I had to learn how to use a program to lengthen it. The things I do for points---participation points at best. But you know it is kinda fun, its easier makng sets. The one I'm posting tomorrow is my second anime, fifth overall and yes I realize I'm an amatuer but I think its cool, it might not be but since I like it I couldn't wait for it to be finished so---leaving it for another day---yeah, no. I have to learn to let things go sometimes. I start something and I want to finish it. I think the lurking procrastinator in me knows that once I stop that a wrap. =0) It can be good but it can be bad. Tell me people whats the most absurd thing (like spending 5-6 hr for 500pts) you've done for points---or maybe I'm the only---crazy one here? =0)

    On a different note:

  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    What?! *what did I do to merit all the exclamation marks?* ponders ... *hugs vicc* I'm ever so slightly tipsy ... just ever so slightly how is every one else?
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    fed the pets yesterday and again today >.< I've kinda forgotten to do it for a while but I'm going to get good again honest!!
  10. Viccusays
    *slides chair over for tipsy siochan* I hadn't been here in a couple of days so...
    Other than you, no one realy posts in this group. So I really only check it to see whats up with you. You're always entertaining =0)
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