aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    I have to clean my room again too..I just cleaned it last week
    sorry for not chatting..I'm not feeling well..have the flu or something...I'll be back to normal soonenough tho^^

    everyone have a good week!
  2. Robee
    Oh God! It feels like for ever since I posted anything in this group. I've been getting at least eight hours of sleep at night as opposed to me getting four. At least my brain is thankful.

    I just finished cleaning my bathroom, replacing the shower curtains and the bath mat. You know when it's time to replace that thing when you look underneath it and something looks back.

    It was disgusting.

    I fed the babies today!
  3. kumakun
    lol Robee you're so funny
    even more people joined..we are almost at 200 I dunno but I think we need to think of something big for this group to do *nods*

    I have a headache

    I think sometime this weekend I might just leave a huge ramble like I used to

    mafia would not beat the yakuza..thats all I'm going to say *runs and hides*
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    Wee I'm back I've been all busy moving my brother (who did nothing and still has a lot of stuff left lying in his old room) and my mother out, and she would have helped more but my aunt Jess died really suddenly on Friday, we only found out about it on Friday Night and my Mum's taken it hard, Jess was closest in age to my Mum out of all her siblings and they grew up together ... ah well I hope everyones well and I'm probably not going to be very active for a while but its just to let you all know *hugs*
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello folkies just thought I would drop and give you an update I had my wisdom teeth removed on the right hand side of my jaw today I was awake for it ... had an injection to numb the right hand side of jaw and it numbs the tounge and lips too but now that the injection has worn off I'm in quite a lot pain and my jaw is bleeding and my right cheek's swollen right up *pouts*
    my aunts funeral is next week and I'm probably not going to make it as I have to work but I hope everyone else is doing allright, its been kinda quiet about here recently
  6. Viccusays
    Hello Everyone Just joined. I had a scare today. I left a cup of juice near my comp and my dogs tipped it over. (they jumped --one of them don't know the culprit yet --on) up the My computer is okay but my flash drive that had the anime got wet. I almost cried. When I plugged it into the comp...it wouldn't light up...and the u3 wouldn't load...and my comp wouldn't recognize it. I was so bummed. But it was my fault for leaving the cup there. But luck was on my side. i don't know what it was...if it was because i blowdried it or I gave up on trying to make it work for an hour...but I plugged it in JUST one more time....and it lit up. It worked. I was estatic. I really don't care about the drive...and the only thing I had on there was anime, which I could always redownload so I wasn't angry but still --- I was saved a lot of trouble. Ok bye now. I'm looking at all the groups and I just had to join this one.
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    Yay new person!! Hello and welcome to you Viccusays!! I can appreciate how much of a scare that would be!! I was slightly gutted when one of the cds I stored some manga on got scratched so badly that it wouldnt run anymore so I can see where your coming from ^^ Hope you like the group we've been kinda quiet but hopefully we are going to pick up and more of the people who are members are going to start posting *please*
  8. Viccusays
    Hi again. Hi Sio. I absolutely lovin anime & this site. I'm glad I got into this but being an amatuer is getting on my nerves. This is why: I see people's posts with these really awesome signature pics...AWESOME...where I'm like --I want to see that now! RIGHT NOW! but they'll have phrases or ship names only. So me being ignorant...I don't know which anime these characters belong to. There's also the issue if its in the actual canon or not but I don't really care about that. If I see a hint of potential ...my inner fangirl is ready with an attack. I'm thinking I might go to the gallery sec and see if I see some of the characters in other pics, which hopefully will be labeled...but I might just be wasting my time b/c some of them might look different then in the anime or look like another character in another anime. Argg!!

    I know I should be looking at reviews or what not but certain pics have just grabbed my attention. I'd honestly watch no matter what genre it was, they're so good. And I've learned not to trust summaries. When I first started dl anime I only picked the ones whose sumaries I felt I would like. After I watched the two animes (lol) I got bored and decided to hell with it and dl anime whose summaries to me were 'iffy' at the time. Thank god for that...because I would of seriously missed out on some good anime. Oh just note that the sucky summaries are all BEFORE I found arrinfantasy.

    Ok there's my rant. Sorry Bye.
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    I wouldnt worry too much about the 'amatuer' status we all have to start somewhere right? If you want to know where someones ava or siggie comes from just ask them? leave a post on there profile or send a wee pm which ever you comfortable with ... everyones really nice so their either going to tell you or they wont know themselves and will join you on your fan girling hunt ^^ plus its a good way of meeting people here on the site
    I continue to be accidenct prone!! My Jaw is finally starting to heal and I'm not feeling so depressed when on friday I went over on my ankle and now its swollen to the size of a tennis ball and I can barely walk on it!! This is how I know theres some higher power out there , cause someone is definatly out to get me!! grrrrrr But on the plus side I'm back online whoop whoop!! It was my nephews birthday on Friday (before the ankle twisting thing) hes now 1 years old, its my Dads birthday tomorrow and my bfs on thursday ... plus I'm having some additional dental work done on thurs, I'm getting slightly worried about cash flow now,
    hope everyone comes back to post on the group again!! Dont be scared of by me I'm just slightly buzzed and given to random postings about when my life sucks (which isnt just now so its all good)
  10. Viccusays
    Being hurts sucks but it seems you have a few celebrations to go to though so maybe it'll put you in good spirits. Although having to many birthdays together is a pain sometimes...too many presents to buy and not enough cash..or time. But it seems like this is good for you. Hope it heals fast.
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