aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. shattered
    Gravitation was so cracky the first time I watched it and had NO idea that it was shounen ai, I downloaded it purely because everytime I wikipedia'ed certain seiyuus, Gravitation would be listed in their credits (so thats Shuichi, K, Yuki, Tohma, Sakano, Ryuuichi and Tatsuha ) So it was an moment when Shuichi actually realised he was in love with Yuki! I had to Google it to find that it was indeed meant to be shounen ai, and then had to Google shounen ai because I didn't know what it was Well I guess I should thank Naruto and Bleach for introducing me to yaoi (ultimately) and also my friend who forshadowed that "if you read yaoi and like it, you will fall far FAR into the bottomless pit of yaoi-dom" ... and here I am, still falling The same friend also told me to watch Gundam but I just can't get into mecha anime (even though I really like Evangelion )
    ...maybe I should have posted that in the Gravitation group
    I've always tried my best to keep an open mind, and before I got into yaoi, I supported people who had same-sex relationships not because I've ever met anyone who was gay or am one myself, but because I felt it was horribly unfair and prejudiced to see them as different people or condemn their lives (especially if religion is used as an excuse) I feel the same for other issues like abortion and euthanasia, it's not that I support them outright, bit that I support the ability for people to choose what they want to do freely, without any judgement from the society.

    ...and completely off topic ... in a fit of utter madness, I send my entry to aarin idol last night ...
    @unsteady ~ LOL the stuff people come up with these days
    @artemis ~ you hit the exact reason why I never liked sitcoms and really loved shows like ER! The realism was so NOT there in those sitcoms, and I never found any of those situations funny >_< The realism might not necessarily be completely like my own life, but at least it felt like what average people would do, and Japanese anime also manage to capture that, maybe not in the plot line because of the crack moments they tend to add (which are 100x funnier than Friends >_>) but in the way the characters are developed and their reactions and emotions.
  2. kumakun
    lent you never told me if you read my game thing lol which is why I asked you to look

    GundamSEED!*throws a fit* don't know what the fit is about but I'm on a SEED everyone needs to see it and ignore the mecha kick lol

    I have a headache..I wanna say more but I'll do it later
  3. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    I have a 40&#37; chance of surviving a zombie apocalypse. Okay, I don't own a lot of food and can't shoot a gun. So sue me

    It's funny, in Gravi I found Shuichi very amusing (but real) and Eiri melodramatic and overly surly (but real), but the character I bonded with immediately was Hiro. Yup, the friend on the side, trying to do his best to help when half the time his help isn't wanted or needed. Ahh, Hiro. We're all a little bit Hiro, aren't we?

    Yeah, sitcoms ... there aren't too many shows I've watched over the years and really loved. Northern Exposure was one. Wow, that was something ... talk about realistic (flawed) people. I also had a crush on Ed

    ER ... ER had its hay day, when Kovac was struggling with his identity and the entire show wasn't about ABBY ABBY ABBY ABBY (sorry, ranting here LOL).
  4. unsteady
    There's another person that loved Northern Exposure!? I also had a crush on Ed. ...man that show should come back, it's a ton better than anything on now.
  5. kumakun
    I loved when carter and kovac went to the congo and when pratt went to darfur..I thought those were really good episodes...not to take away from how interesting those ones were or anyting but...I wanted to rip the freaking wax of kovacs face so many times it wasn't funny..it made me nuts..why did they use wax..seriously it melts right off your face if your in the heat for more then 2 mins and seriously I know..cause I tried *throws a fit* they should have known better damn it!
    they were talking about darfur b4 alot of other people were I think..b4 pratt even went there they were talking about it cause carter was there no?

    I said seriously way to many times there...umm..ya..

    oh wow I've been mad all day and I guess it call came out on someone using wax for the cut on his face
  6. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    You loved Ed, too?!?! I thought I was the only girl in the world not obsessed with Chris!

    It's Darfur YES my roomies and I were bawling during that episode where they think Kovac is dead in Africa ... it was so moving!! See, that is when ER was good.
  7. kumakun
    the other day on ER nurses whose names I can't even try to spell were talking about having a get together with everyone..I would sooooooo love to see doug,carole,carter,benton,lewis,deb..ming na..can't think of her name on the show..but she started as deb..weaver, and alex kingston..can't think of her name either..all the old ones you know...I wish mark hadn't died...that was really sad too no? he had been on right from the start...they still show the old eps everyday here so I love it...doug and caroles twins are in grade 3...I wanna see them even more now..
  8. shattered
    I really want to see the old gang back as well! Weaver is leaving the show soon too I think (or has she already left? There's a long timelag between when TV shows in the US and here in Oz >_<) I'm so glad that the show kept being a good quality even when all the original cast left, it's so true to life, that in a real hospital, obviously not everyone's going to stick around forever and there are always new med students and nurses who replace the current bunch.
    The only thing that shocked me as not really believable was when that doctor everyone hated (the bald one?) was killed by a helicoptor falling on him O_o that was a bit of a stretch >_>

    Was it Darfur they went to? I only tuned in a bit after the ep started. That was a very emotional episode, I couldn't stop the crying even after it finished.
  9. kumakun
    weavers gone ya....and it was drs chen and corday that I couldn't think of lol...ya the helicopter falling on ramono sp was kinda stupid wasn't it..tho the part where his arm was cut off was real enough don't you think...you do have to becareful with those..as everyone knows..(sorry tired,sick, and mad I don't make sense)

    they went to both places ya..and it was really cool to see them do it like they did
  10. unsteady
    Small Northern Exposure interlude...

    I thought everyone would have been into Ed. Male or female. That guy was just so cool. Chris had the whole cool quote radio show thing going on...but come on Ed was just...Ed... My other favorite character was Marilyn the receptionist. She rocked.

    Okay back to the ER chat!
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