aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    I'm gutting my bedroom ... you know how you sometimes go a few weeks without cleaning and everything just starts pilling up? yeah ... *ahem* I havnt cleaned my room since christmas >.> *shame* I've almost run out of floor space so today is for gutting and tomorrow I'm going to the Glasgow Art Show reward for finally tidying up
  2. Robee
    @CuteLilShyness: Don't worry about your English. English is my first language and I still have trouble with it. Especially when I wake up first thing morning.

    @sio chan: Gutting the bedroom? I think I clean apartment almost everyday the way dust gathers here. Right now I'm elbow deep in paper: Outlines and paragraphs to be used for my short stories. And just random thoughts that I thought up on the just because the words versed in my mind sounded poetic enough to commit to paper.

    * a random thought

    "It was a low, dull rumbling sound that quelled beneath his feet and rose within his chest.
    It made his heart beat faster but made his blood run cold."
    *A man walking on the frozen river in moonlight

    Homecoming for Scotland! That sounds pretty cool; the other half of my late father's family came from Scotland. Although you really couldn't tell from his late mothers maiden name: 'Flowers'. I'm not quite sure but I think the name was adopted after the Auld Alliance between Scotland and France?
    My older sister would like to drag myself and my 'Irish twin' to England for a vacation, with stop overs in Dublin and Glasgow. I'm not too keen on the idea though.
    *FYI: 'Irish Twins' are siblings born less than a year apart.
    In part because of the recession in Canada. Next, if I left my job the place would fall apart without me. I left my job for four days to attend my late mother's funeral and came back to an 'virtual mess'.
    Finally, there is my indifference for the monarchy or nobility of any kind.(which is why my sister wants to go in the first place-she has fascination for the Royal Family) 200 years ago my Native ancestors ran in terror of English fearing they would dragged off by these 'Dog-faced men'
    ( Bearded) on their 'floating islands' ( Ships ) to a far away land never to be heard from again. Now she wants to take us there by plane: The little Native voice inside me is saying, "Are you Nuts!?" Plus, I'm not a very good flyer

    @kumakun: Did you ever watch the movie that I posted a link for on your message board? RE: 'Medusa Touch' : if so, what did you think?

    I fed the babies today!
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    ^^ ah Robee you'll find that very few people north of the border appreciate the 'royal' salaries, tax cuts, castles, palaces and getting to party on the peoples pay check, and never working. Plus the current monarchy aside England is still got some intersting history and London is a mini country unto itself! Dublin is worth seeing and I would always recommend Scotland Edinburgh, Stirling, Glasgow and again you might like seeing where part of your family came from but I agree with you this recession is hitting everyone really badly I cant believe how much food is now!! Maybe your sister would agree that its a good idea to wait for a while until things get better economically? Sucks about your job though it must put you under a lot of pressure, you should be allowed holiday time the same as everyone else and not worry about the place crumbling without you for a couple of weeks, what if you ever get sick? and you should have been able to take as much time as you needed after your mums passing *hugs*
  4. kumakun
    I honestly don't remember if I did Robee..tho I think if you posted it I would have watched it..I mean I feel like I should have watched it
    I love the way you talk Robee

    I haven't been very chatty lately have I? I mean I talk alot but not like I used to...thats who it feels anyways

    I've come the conclusion that...I need to go back home..I have to move back to where I used to live...I'm done with this make up artist thing ( I would have loved to do it but I have to face facts that I'm most likely not ever going to be well enough to do it..never give up and all that **** doesn't work for me here) the person who taught me how to do everything has a store there where he sells make up and is basically the person to go to if you're getting married..he trained one girl in the area to do it when he can't...which is alot of the time since hes one of the top make up artists in canada..so I may try to work for him there..I think that will work out *nods*
    its a nice thought that I'm going home..I Know its said "you can never go home again" but I've moved back there b4 and it WAS home....anyways its almost 8am and I have yet to sleep so please don't mind this

    hope everyone is doing well!I love you all
  5. kumakun
    I took this test to see what the naruto character think of me lol I got shika for a bf XD that works for me!you know what creeps me out..the fact that I've said several times that asuma reminds me of my dad also they got my character pretty accurate...
    the stuff thats not part of the answer is not me talking...its whoever made the test^^
    will someone else do it? I wanna see the different answers
    What Do The Naruto Characters Think Of You? - Quiz | Get More Quizzes at Quizilla

    Name: Kin, Rini (Gold, Little Bunny)
    Star Sign: Leo
    Squad: Team Asuma
    Friends With: Naruto, Hinata, Kiba, Shikamaru, Ino, Chouji, Lee, Tenten (Me: You gotta a lot of friends!)
    Most Likely Boyfriend: Shikamaru, Naruto, Lee, Kankuro
    About You (And The Character): You're very happy-go-lucky for a ninja. Though you can get very lonely at times. You love reading when you're bored since you like to live in that small little fantasy world you get when you read books, which are mostly fantasy. Another hobby of yours is picking or just watching flowers. Your favorite flower are yellow lilies, since yellow is your favorite color. When you read your bookmark is always a pressed flower. The color and type of flower stands for how you felt when you read the book. Your friends are the most important thing to you. Besides being happy almost all the time you get very emotional when something happens to your friends. But you get really pissed off when someone makes fun of them. Overall you're just an awesome flower picking-book loving-best friend!(~What The Naruto Characters Say About You~)
    Naruto: She's my best friend! She respects me, and best of all she treats me to ramen anytime I want! She's so cool!
    Sasuke: I hate her! She's a damn goody-two shoes just because she's the best kunoichi in the class!*vein*
    Sakura: I think it's kind of weird how Kakashi-sensei talks so much about her all the time...*sweat drop*
    Kakashi: I can't take my eyes of her... she's just... too wonderful.*blush* (Me: *eye twitch* Ew)
    Hinata: I'm so glad she helps me with training, she makes me really feel like I matter, and that I'm somebody. I'm glad we're friends!
    Shino: No comment...
    Kiba and Akamaru: We like her a whole lot, she's so wonderful with animals.
    Kurenai: She's all right, I guess, but I don't like all the attention she receives from everyone.
    Shikamaru: She's not like most girls, not annoying, I like her a lot...*blush*
    Ino: She's cool, she doesn't like Sasuke and is such a nicer person than billboard brow was, I respect her uniqueness and powerful skills.
    Chouji: She's awesome! She never makes fun of me and lets me have her chips and always treats me to barbeque!
    Asuma: She's like a daughter to me. She doesn't mind my smoking at all! Well sometimes. *sweat drop*
    Lee: She's so youthful! She doesn't make fun of my eyebrows or Gai-sensei! She even helps me train! *happy tears*
    Neji: She's all right...I guess. A bit too hyper.
    TenTen: She an awesome training partner! I can't wait till our next meet!
    Gai: OMG! How youthful! She should be with Lee! *happy tears*
    Gaara: I hate her! HATE HER!
    Temari: Dammit! I hate that little girl! She almost broke my fan once! *vein*
    Kankuro: She's...pretty...I guess.*blush*
    Jaraiya: She's even more annoying than Naruto! I don't care how beautiful she might be I'm not going near her! (me: *gasp* GO YOU!)
    Tsunade: I admire her courage and skills, though, I'll admit I'm very jealous*sweat drop* (Me: Wow)
    Shizune: Who?
    Orochimaru: She's so powerful, I wouldn't mind having her as my next container...
    Kabuto: (Asked Orochimaru if he'd share you but he said no way...-_-;')
    Your Song: Freak Out- Avril Lavigne
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    ok I just took the quiz twice and I got exactly the same result as you kuma!! Where are you living if your not at home? I agree with you, youve not been keeping well it may well do you some good to be somewhere that your really comfortable and happy being and once you get a better handle on the job side of things (I mean working for/ with the best make up artist in the country can only be a good thing!) you'll probably feel more in control. Are you sleeping better or is it still kinda bad *huggles*
  7. Robee
    @kumakun: I'll think I'll skip the Naruto quiz since I've never watched an episode of the series.
    I just finished watching the anime Samurai 7; which is probably on of the best remakes of Akira Kurosawa's "Seven Samurai" since the western "The Magnificent Seven". I never get board watching the anime, or the original (And I still kind of like the western).

    Going home might do you some good. I went back to the Rez' for a year just to take a break from reality. Plus, it was a 'Dry Rez' so that prevented me from hitting the bottle or anything else. It is a pretty isolated community in Northern Manitoba. The only downside was I living with my mother at the time and healthy diet was not part of our family's vocabulary. I left the Rez' 55lbs. overweight. (Thankfully, I eventually lost that along with the additional 15lbs. I gained moving to Winnipeg.) But I did loved the isolation and the peace and quiet. You actually look out the window of the house and see the stars without the glare of the streetlights. Because you can actually count the number streetlights with all your fingers and toes.

    @sio chan: If I ever do go to London it'll probably be to see Abby Road, take the White Chapel Tour and mmmmm maybe see a Liverpool FC match.

    Yes. It has been that bad everytime I left for holidays or a 'sick day'. The place goes to hell in a handbasket-literally. Unfortunatley, I may have to take another week off because my grandfather just turned 90-We don't expect him to live through the summer. My family may want to do the traditional Native three day wake. <Oh joy.>

    I fed the babies today!
  8. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    I forgot about this group again

    Hello again, everyone Gotta go to bed now (well, will try). Just wanted to stop in and say I'm sorry
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    Robee, my mum is OBSESSED with Yul Brinner I've seen the Magnificent 7 so many times I almost think I could recite it word for word ^^ always fun. A lot of families are big on feeding, well, pretty much everyone that they can ^^ at you got some good from it and enjoyed a break! it is unbelievable to me that your job is like that! Just doesnt seem fair! I'm sorry to hear about your Grandad.
    Well, if you ever do decide to come over to Gasgow go to the Necropolis (during the day and preferably with someone else, very dodgy at night!!) St Mungos Cathedral, Merchent City, the Clyde Side and any where in the West End.
    I maintain London is a mini country all on its own but the tours are good, football has never appealed to me so I dont really know a lot about it >.<
    Hello Artemis
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    *prods the group* I'm still tidy-ing up my room ... I've chucked out 3 bags of rubbish (I'm such a horder I keep everything) and the place still looks like a bombs hit it ... why is it whenever I clean it always looks worse before it looks better? Probably because I only clean in 5 month intervalls - or when I'm upset about something its how I deal with stress ...
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