aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Huzzah, I join again!

    Thanks kuma-chan for reminding me that I had left

    I was clearing out the groups I didn't frequent very much ... for some reason, right before my exams, I got really shifty and super anal about things ... I think this group also got the cut b/c there was no group icon.

    I have to have an icon
  2. kumakun
    I didn't beg her >_< but I'm super happy shes back for awhile
    I asked people what we should do for an icon but no one made anything so I put this one together..not very interesting but its better then the ? right?

    why aren't the pets changing

    tonight on deadlest warrior its sparton vs ninja..it sorta looks like the sparton won I think one of the biggest problems with this show is that they aren't accounting for the sneakiness of these people..the apache and ninja at least...I mean a ninja wouldn't be walking around in black during the day..thats just stupid..hey look at me I'm a ninja..I mean seriously >.>

    I forgot to watch jay lenos headlines..I KNEW there was something I wanted to watch

    If I'm awake all night again I'm not going to be happy..no matter how much ohmiya I take in
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    Wow! robee thats pretty intense must be bad for the people that live there! I know the pets pics never change! We feed them it tells us the image will change and then they never do ... hmmm, welcome back Moonsong!! *huggles*
  4. Robee
    Some of the people are getting flood compensation from both the province/feds; but some of the people are still waiting for compensation from last years flooding. The people who live in rural Manitoba are fed up with flooding (repairing/rebuilding now they just want to take the comp and run. Quite frankly, I don't blame them.

    I've been feeding the 'pets' too and they don't change!
    If they were real they probably bloated little balls of 'flaming reptilian flesh'! Cute but bloated.

    Hi Moonsong!
  5. kumakun
    the spartan won -____- it was so stupid I actually laughed out loud the ninja threw an egg full of glass right into the spartans eyes..the spartan shook his head..blicked..looked for the ninja ran after him into the woods and killed him...no being can get that much glass into their eyes and still continue to see as if it didn't happen..there is no way -__-

    I think that if it was an army vs ninja they would most likely win because they have their shields and some pretty awesome war tactics...but one on one..nope..the spartan in not going to win like that..

    they tested the guy to see if he could get the glass to go in the spartans eye if hes wearing a helmet and he did..perfect shot from a distance..you get glass in your eyes like that theres no way you can see

    I'm in a good mood even if I don't seem it

    have any of you noticed that theres alot of people walking around using the japanese word "umai" to describe things? I've heard it 3 times in 2 days..thought it was kinda weird..
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    what does umai mean? I've never heard any radom Japanese being spoken to describe anything sounds kinda fun though I had my first night of Intefl course last night! It's pretty intensive is all about breaking down the structure of the english language and understanding it yourself so that you can then explain it to a student! And theres 'miro teaching' as the test at the end! Basically means that we have to role play teaching for a period of 20 minutes to the rest of the group and be graded on our abilities and depending on the grade we either pass or fail! >.< I HATE role play and I hate being the focus of attention what on EARTH made me think I could teach! I'm feeling so out of my depth just now but I keep telling myself that I will get better and this is something I really want so I have to just suck it up and get over the fear
  7. kumakun
    umai can be used to describe things like skill and food...it means delicious/yummy/tasty ^^ a girl from my cable company said it when we were talking about a new channel to buy "that channel is umai" I was like eh? Iwas surprised that she used it to decribe a tv channel lol I hear it alot more now that I've been watching subbed arashi stuff..they eat alot of food and ohno always says its umai ( I wonder about him sometimes..some of that food can not taste good..the man is eating week old food that was left out in the "left alone" house (that was a thing he and nino did..took things to a house and left them for a few days to see what would happen if they left it alone) no way is it umai onho >.>)
    and then last night I was watching 90210 and Donna said that when she and David first went to japan everything was good and umai
    can't remember what the other one was about though..

    what grade is it you want to teach again? I hate role play aswell I wonder if artemis has to do that too? I guess she would right?
    did you already do that that miro thing?
  8. CuteLilShyness
    Umm... New member here, Hiya all *waves* I dont really know what to say in my first message, but I think its a good group for me couse Im really shy because of...this...and..that... ^^; sooo yoroshiku onegaishimasu~ (and sorry for my bad english...im hungarian:3)
  9. kumakun
    don't worry about bad english..its my first language and I don't make sense half the time they all put up with it tho so no worries XD

    I love it when new people say hello..some people join and don't say anything so I'm always wondering who the new people are

    what sort of things do you like?
  10. CuteLilShyness
    ^^ If Im in a group, I think I naturaly at least say Hi...
    What tings..hmm...I love cute things like plushies and cats and I love sweets
    But its a bit weird because im a boy :S
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