aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    yeah I bet it was nice for you to get to see him like that ( guys sorry but my thoughts are running kinda crazy cause I haven't slept..I'll most likely come back and try to make this make sense later..but for now forgive me eh?)

    sucks about it being broken..I HATE when my stuff doesn't work whats he gonna do buy a new one? he seemed like a nice guy btw \(^_~)v

    can I tell you guys that I really really miss sinebran and Artemis Moonsong being in here with us..on the plus side for me I didn't beg artemis to come back this time...

    and where is izume? izume you come back too!

    I need some love
  2. Robee
    Artemis Moonsong? sinebran?
    Are they not University students, I imagine they would be really busy this time of the year?

    I fed the babies today!
  3. kumakun
    well Artemis told me today that she passed her exams and is now writing her paper..I don't know where sinebran is..I see her on msn but never on here anymore...this place was just more lively when they were here right?
    You're like the older brother and she was like the older sister..but you know the really cool smart type...I need people to balance out my chaotic flailing I think
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    Can I be the cousin? Hello all again How are we all I read about the red river bursting its banks and a state of emergency being declared ... is everyone allright? Sorry I've not been online for a while RL stuff sort of came up.
    Who thought Vikings came from Canada? Dont get me wrong Vikings went practically everywhere in conquest and plundering then stuck around and raised families (we have whole towns dedicated to Viking Ancestory in Scotland) but they came from Norway ... didnt they?
  5. Robee
    @sio chan: The flood in Winnipeg is not as bad as it was 97'; it's mostly some of the rural areas outside of the city that are hit the hardest. Although some of the streets that line the Red and Assinboine River are getting flooded as well.

    I'll try to post some picks.

    As for Vikings, it really wasn't pratical to raid a Mainland village then go back to Scandinavia or else they be stuck on the ocean or lost come wintertime. Part of my late father's family came from Ireland but my last name has Scandinavian origins.

    @kumakun: 'chaotic flailing' I 've been there before and still am. I get frustrated sometimes when I have so much I want to write down, illustrate, or just create but I usually get side tracked or 'blocked' by an influx of negative outside influences.
    Between work and life; It's so overwhelming sometimes to the point I cannot look at a mess in my apartment without being distracted. But I try to endure the BS, organize my thoughts (And my apartment) and press on.

    I try to look at my flailing in a humorous light. Of course I'm half Native, having humour comes with the territory-if we didn't have humour the residential school system would have killed my family off years ago.
    That's funny kuma you can laugh!

    About your cat...,
    He has that expression on his face:
    "Oh Geez-Fine dress me up in whatever I don't care anymore."

    I fed the babies today
  6. izumeseijin
    for kuma and to the peoples!
    Supposed to be studying for exams >.< But I've been fiddling with Photoshop, preparing for future aarin contests and playing "My Japanese Coach" on NintendoDS It's a game so it's addicting. DS was originally for Pokemon but then I found that game ^___^ I am taking the actual classes this summer though. Maybe I should get "My French Coach" while I'm at it Anyone know other good games for DS?
  7. kumakun
    sio chan my grandma was born and raised in scotland XD not the one on my page but my other one ^^

    well vikings did come to canada but only to new foundland as far as I know
    and yes be the cool cousin!

    izume! I wish I had my japanese coach..I am so jealous I don't know any games..but what kind do you like? the last magazine I got is a games issue so maybe theres something in there..

    aw Robee I get the same waybut thats why I come on here and flail..I am a great big chaotic mess

    yeah my cat kinda gave up lol
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    whaa cool cousin ^^ see I only ever play pokemon on my ds I've never really paid any other game on my ninedento >.< glad your ok robee
  9. Robee
    As promised pictures of the flood. Just to give you an idea how the water levels have changed this is The Assiniboine River which feeds directly into the Red River.
    This is January 2009:

    And this is April 2009:

    Believe it or not there is a sidewalk under there?:
  10. kumakun
    there was something on the news today about them deciding that some places weren't worth trying to save now or something....thats really sad for the people whos houses will be damaged

    we have another new person ^^

    I dance to foot loose in public and love it -_-
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