aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    I'm sorry its all crapptastic Kuma! what happened? Thank you for being comforting *hugs* I'm just over being the third wheel or the after thought ... huh this is just a low point for me I'll get over it how was everyones easter? Did anyone go egg rolling, or paint an egg I used to do that when I was little we would all paint an egg that looked like someone else in the family so that we could have a little egg family
  2. kumakun
    guys I think I just ran my mout on youtube..they put up the show I was talking about the other day and people are saying a gladiator would PWN an apache..it pissed me off..my name on there is eiriryushu so you know what comments are mine...watch the show and then tell me what you think ok? and don't be scared to tell me what you really think...maybe I'm more into the apache because I lived next to a reservation and was taught a few things...anyways heres the first of the series..watch them and let me know k? YouTube - Deadliest Warrior ep.1 p.1 Gladiator Vs. Apache
    this is what I said in the comments
    a gladiator wouldn't PWN an apache simply because a gladiator wouldn't be able to get near an apache..I'm not saying gladiators aren't powerful or anything cause I sure as hell wouldn't want to face one but the fact is..the apache would win hands down..an apache is a long distance fighter..how would a gladiator even get close enough to be able to use his weapons? and even if they were in a ring ..again the apache are some of the worlds best knife throwers so all they have to do is get behind the person and throw a knife ..plus the weapons they use in hand to hand combat are easier to move around with..leaving both hands open to defend and attack..the apache are still being used by the army to train people for combat because they are the best,,gladiators have some sick stuff but they would actually have to be close enough to use it and that wouldn't happen..theres a reason why they are being used to train people and not gladiators...
    ah its just my thinking so don't hate me eh?
  3. Berylcrazy
    um hi everyone ya i've been kinda of um....... shy to talk in the "shy club: and busy with ravy FINALLY got to see his face instead of just pics he's ABOUSTLEY gorgous! nice to um meet you all again^^ just alittle shy of the shy people
  4. kumakun
    a person on youtube told me my opinions on the apache beating a gladiator don't count because I like yaoi..lol wtf WTF XD
    beryl I saw you looking around in here

    sio I didn't do anything for easter..it seems like I don't really do anything for holidays anymore
  5. kumakun
    haha I was writing that as you were posting XD
    oh you got to see him..like on the computer? cause I know he lives in bulgaria sp..lol I know you know I said hey to him..right after I did I saw your name on my page
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    I agree with you an apache would totally win over an gladiator! But has the yaoi fanzine to do with anything? Are we not allowed to watch anything else? Plus come on powerfull masculine men beating on one another for tv? That could be perceived as a yaoi realm! :P Beryl!!! your here! *cuddles* glad your well but I have to second kuma's question how did you actually see him?
  7. kumakun
    yeah I didn't get that either..seriously it has nothing to do with it..
    the viking/samurai thing was cool tho..the samurai won but it was really really close could have gone either way..you guys should watch that one to cause its really interesting ^^ someone on youtube said "the viking should go back to canada where he came from" I was like uh...I'm almost sure he didn't come from canada >.> sure they came to canada..new foundland...but they don't come from here

    you know what bothers me...when you talk to someone and they don't bother answering you...I answer people...most of the time I try to anyways..sometimes I have to many and don't catch one so I don't write back but its not me going out of my way to not answer >.>

    I dunno I'm just in a mood I guess

    how is everyone else doing?

    it seems like only sio and I are here these days..which is alright but its not really a group with only two people
  8. Robee
    Hi! I fed the babies today!

    @kumakun: I don't need to watch the video to know that an Apache and a Samurai would win hands down against a Gladiator and Viking.
    Skill, grace and cunning will always win over brute force.
    or in my case darlings;

    "youth and vigor" is no no match for "experience and treachery"
  9. kumakun
    Robee I love you
    you guys know archangel612? he almost had me almost talked out of it..but thats kinda what he does..bends you to his will...oddly enough it never bothers me much anyways the vikings were pretty good tho..they had that mesh and the katana couldn't cut it so it took some effort to knock him down YouTube - Deadliest Warrior ep2. p.6 Viking vs. Samurai
  10. Berylcrazy
    Oh i saw him through his new webcam. it was so nice made me SO but now he's freaking out because his mp4 player is broken >.<
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