aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    I know I'm goingto go see it and not like it :P The cartoon was entertaining and was a part of my childhood and I'm not sure I feel about this film >.< the adverts looks a bit odd and picolo isint green!! How could he not be green!
  2. kumakun
    I know right? he has to be green!
    I mean I guess I get why they are doing it this style..for people who aren't anime people..but still it seems so very very wrong!
    let me know how it is tho!
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    fed the pets its not out untill next month some time so I'm just watching the adverts but still looks a bit odd! Its my birthday tomorrow and my dads made me feel guilty for being shallow all because I was giving ideas for gifts >.< says its not a big birthday and that I should be happy with whatever and not expect anything ... I never do but usually people ask what I would like and he's away with his girlfriend now anyways so I wont see him until later on in the week and I know better than to ask for presents (last time I did that he put me down as being selfish, I was 13 at the time I tended towards being self obsessed which teenager isnt?) Arrgh it just annoys me because he always manages to make me doubt myself in terms of moral integrety I like birthdays! Spending time with family, friends, being made a fuss off and yes getting presents! Is that really so bad? I know that I'm lucky and I know how fourtunate too live in a society thats wealthy and to have my health and a loving family grr and I slip back into moral guilt!
  4. kumakun
    the only things I ever want are pnish stuff,old navy card,ice cream cake XD lol I'm good with just the ice cream cake since I know people can't really get me pnish stuff....I really don't do anything with my birthday so I don't need anything...but I am happy I got an oldnavy card cause they are totoally shipping tuti/nagayan ( its a pink and yellow flower dress which to me = tuti/nagayan)

    what did you want?

    we have a new member! hello new member! I don't know who you are but welcome!
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    some books mainly I've had a little to drink so I'm feeling quite happy although I have realised that the trousers I wore all day in work today have a split right at the crotch area and that my pink lepord print pants can be seen >.< I'm really hoping that either no one in work noticed or they are all too polite to say anything to me or anyone else about it ! *blush*
  6. Robee
    I fed the babies today.

    Gantz! I remember that Anime but I only saw the first two episodes.
    I think what disturbs me about- it's kind of like where the 'extreme version' of where reality tv is going.

    @sio chan: Don't worry about splitting your pants; at least you didn't pee yours?
  7. kumakun
    oh Robee I think you're right about the reality tv...

    sio chan >_< that would suck..tho maybe you're right and people didn't notice

    theres a show on spike called grestest warrior I think..and last night they had an appache vs a gladiator..I didn't like the people who thought the gladiator would win...they were way to cocky..like I get trash talking and all that but they were so wrong and I knew it..in the simulations that were run after all the data was collected it showed the gladiator would only win 333 times out of 1000....and even that to me seemed high cause really..the gladiator would have to see the apache first and really..good luck with that cause that wouldn't happen unless they were somehow in an open space together >.> I mean an apache would almost be like a ninja...
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    well if anyone noticed they are all way too polite to say anything ^^ I'm thinking at least I was wearing pants so could have been worse
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello every one How are we all? I'm feeling well, a little lonely to be honest. A lot of my friends are paired up or have no problem with meeting people and dating if nothing else and that is just not something I've ever been good at but I would like to meet someone I guess? Does that make any kind of sense? I'm ok and confortable with being single but I would like to meet someone *gah*
  10. kumakun
    I'm crapptastic but alive
    yeah I think alot of people on here have the same problem..by here I mean all of aarin..so you aren't alone in that..and well everyone needs someone sometimes so wanting to meet someone makes sense
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