aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. SilentSyi
    I was bored and decided to click on some random groups and join and this happened to be one of them (not yet sure what the others I joined are). I am normally pretty shy and I don't talk/chat much but when I have excessive amounts of sugar/caffeine the shyness disappears and I babble a lot ... like now... So, I thought I would say HELLO in a kinda long way... Anyways I am gonna stop now and go clean something. Thus the end of my babble bubble
  2. Robee

    @ HI SilentSyi!

    @kumakun: Sorry, I haven't replied in so long but I have been fighting with my computer. Evertime I log off it doesn't want to reload my ISP. Anyway, I don't live anywhere near the Red River just near the Assinboine River near the Downtown of Winnipeg.

    The only thing I'll probably worry about is the sewer backing up in the laundry room of apartment building I live in.

    @sio chan: I don't worry about getting HIV anymore to me it seems so inconsequenctial to the real problems of the world; it helps just puts things into perspective for myself. I don't let my libido run get ahead of me anymore or let my heart run ahead of my head...
    In other words:

    "I step on my d**k - I don't think with it."

    I fed the babies today!
    You want funny try this;
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello silentsyi *waves* hows the sugar rush doing? I went back to work I'm wreaked most of the time but I'm coping so its all good Hope you feel better Kuma *huggles* Glad your ok Robee sorry your comp is going on strike
  4. kumakun
    I was just thinking it might be fun to have a highschool poll contest on here..like..most helpfull...ms cosplay..mr cosplay...nost random..most chatty..you know that sort of thing..what do you think?
  5. kumakun
    and so ER comes to an end it was really good I think and they left it in a way that in 5-10 years from now it could come back..dr greens daughter is going to be working there I think.at the end of the show theres a trauma coming in and dr carter goes " are you coming dr green?" such a flash back and I loved it!
  6. kumakun
    http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/f20/t7...ml#post2334349 since the chat has died in here once again I'll show you my last thing I drew...its sho and aiba from arashi...and the pony is someone in here lol guess who XD
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello all I'm sorry I've not been on for a while I basically spent the last two days sleeping >.< I dont know whats wrong with me I dont feel sick anymore but I just want to sleep all the time I've literally been awake for a couple of hours each day but neh it'll pass I really like the highschool poll idea kuma sounds really cute and every one can vote for whoever they like or should we nominate some people so that there are a few in each catagorie and then everyone votes for who they feel best meets the title? I used to love ER but I've missed most of this last season (last and final *sob*) over here they just kept moving the timeslot and then the channal it was on would change suddenly it was like the network was deliberatly trying to make the show unpopular because eventually people just started losing interest! I like the pony its cute! Reminds me of when I used to play with my little pony I dont really know who the others are sorry! but it looks good
  8. kumakun
    I wish I were sleeping...I do really stupid things when I'm tired..like watching gantz..that anime seriously upsets me

    yeah the high school thing would be fun I think..its just I'm to lazy to do itI'll support it if someone else decides to do it though!

    they do that with shows here to and I've always wondered why they would want shows on their channel to fail..I mean don't they want people to watch their channels?
    they did that with smallville and it was really stupid..I missed alot of the episodes because of it..I think it was on monday..then sunday..then wednesday and now thrusday..or something like that..moved it all over the damn place

    I'm wondering if they will do the justice league seriously after smallville ends..I'm not sure how much longer it can stay smallville you know?
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    I know I watched the first 5 episodes of Gantz and then stopped it was seriously disturbing and it really upset me *shudder* I just stopped watching it and refuse to see anymore of it ... I know thats what happened with Firefly the network just started to show it at really odd times and would change the day it was shown on from week to week and then canceled the show because not enough people were watching it!! See I've never been a fan of Smallville I'm a hard core comics fan and Smallville just annoys me! I have you heard about the justise league film thats going to be made? Looks really cool!! I think that they may put off the tv show because of formatting issues they cant really start a show that will be made before the film has been made? Or maybe they can who knows? *shrugs*
  10. kumakun
    well the green arrows been on it the past 3/4 seasons and the flash showed up ages ago...I think theres 6 of the justice league characters now...so it sorta feels like its already the justice league...

    I didn't think I would like smallville when I first started watching it because its like oh another superman show wow -_- but it was really good and now I love it XD

    don't really know much about the movie but I keeps seeing the adds for dragonball z XD
Results 2121 to 2130 of 2934