aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    some of us are better then others I think do you wanna tell us what weird stuff or I dunno
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    I know, cause I've done nothing but be all sick and ill and miserable for the last 2 weeks I've got nothing of interest to share with you all beyond saying I'm going for a blood test tomorrow apparently my docs think I might have diabetes ... dont know why they think that but what the hey >> I cant imagine being that sleep deprived Kuma, I was driving my self crazy in College/ uni because I was going 2 days without sleep for study purposes but going for that long I'd be going off the wall! *hugs some more*
  3. Berylcrazy
    I think he's mad at me! hey my mom has the same problem! her thorts been infected too!
  4. kumakun
    sio chan I hope you don't have it...let us know?
    I'm off the wall *________________________*

    Berylcrazy why do you think hes mad at you?
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    so my blood test got rescheduled for tomorrow >.< I hate needles I had gotten myself all geared up for today and now I have to go through it all again for tomorrow.
    Why would Ravy be mad at you Beryl?
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    fed the pets ... so I totally chickened out of my blood test >.< I feel awful and I just couldnt face a needle on top of it so I rescheduled again for next week ... feel like such a coward now >>
  7. kumakun
    blood tests have never bothered me..or needles..I don't know why :/
    except the time they took in from my hands..that really sucked....don't worry sio chan~
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    See getting jabs or innoculations never bothered me so much quick punture puch whatever medicine your getting in and quickly out again followed easy and I can watch it without being too morbid about it, but getting blood taken from me has always really freaked me out and I dont know why! I think its more the feeling of the needle going in and staying in your vein and the pulling sensation *shudder* probably really disgusted everyone else now :/
  9. kumakun
    lol actually I was going to talk more about it but since you said that maybe I won't for the sake of the others I won't ^^

    a friend gave me magazines with bleach/naruto posters..so now I have posters on my wall o_______________o
    on the upside they are nice ones *nods*
  10. Robee
    @sio chan: Try lying on your back for 38 hours in a Winnipeg ER getting an emergency blood transfusion-it's not pleasant. I really hated those hospital gowns; now I know why they call it 'ICU'.

    It is almost medieval but a necessary I'm afraid.

    I fed the pets today!
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