aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    Kuma *hugs* dont worry I like your answers and I still getting used to all the new layouts and I'm sure that once we get used to it, it'll all work out *positive vibes* how are things going for you anyways I'm all ill and miseralbe and I've missed work AGAIN >.< I hate this My heads all throbbing and my neck and shoulder and right arm have clenched again I cant live my head up to far because my neck is aching so much
  2. kumakun
    yeah but its true people have stopped being as chatty...its pretty much you me and robee..there used to be so many of us all chatting at the same time

    ah I'm sick with a head thing but I'm not so bad..can't really turn my head to the left but hey

    ah you're all messed up again going to miss work today too?
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    yup I'm here *sigh* I dont think this is going to end well for me This is me at strike 3 in terms of absence from work thats never a good thing >.<
    I think people will come back I mean its just the layouts of the group thats changed we're all still here and once they get over the changes I'm sure folk'll come back to chat to us all you cant turn your head to the left? is it a muscle thing? I could maybe help with that (years of physiotherepy) but it doesnt cure it just maintains it can ease the muscle strain and loosen up the tenseness? If its not a muscle thing then I cant help at all sorry
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    fed the pets I'm going to be away all weekend (camp I'm still not 100&#37; feeling goodmy neck and shoulder are still completely clenched up and for all I'm really drowsey I cant seem to sleep, but I'm the olny female leader so I have to go >.<) but I should be back online sun evening Have a good weekend people!
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    And I'm back, how'd everyone else weekend go? Fed the pets, I'm just stopping by to catch up with you all. I feel awfull and I need to go back to work at 1.30pm but I'm really not feeling up for it I'm absolutly shattered and I have a reaction head-ache from all the medication I've been on and for all I'm really tempted to call in sick again I just cant I've been off work since wed last week I cant miss anymore
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    Fed the pets ... where is everyone, feeling a little lonely
  7. Robee
    Sorry for not logging on but I have been fighting with my computer for the last week-it keeps losing my IP

    But we did managed to feed the pets today!
  8. kumakun
    I'm also sorry sio chan I had been wondering how you were doing over the weekend..doesn't seem like its getting much better does it?

    I've been down again...5 days 6 hours sleep..not happy

    Robee nice to see you againXD

    thank you guys for feeding the pets~
  9. Berylcrazy
    Hey how are all you? i've been busy v.v and having some wierd stuff going on with Ravy.....
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    Fed the pets I have a sick line in from my doc basically said I've caught a secondary infection means I have a throat/ chest infection and I've almost completly lost my voice and my shoulder/neck is still aching *sobs*
    @Robee I'm sorry what happened with your comp? how can it just forget your ip address >.<
    Kuma ouch 6 hours sleep ... sounds awful! I'm sorry hun *hugs*
    Beryl whats happening with Ravy? How are things going anyways with you all?
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