aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    we lost two people..this sucks..we were doing so well until this all changed anyways I couldn't find the requst page for some reason but if someone could link it I would love you for ever *nods* I need a new lj layout and I need some help..so yep..link it and let me love you
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    What request page? Soryy I'm not keeping up with whats happening at all >.<
  3. izumeseijin
    You mean this request section? http://aarinfantasy.com/forum/f257/
    Hope you're feeling better, sio ^^
  4. momonika
    Hi,everyone I&#180;m new....this group is something for me
  5. kumakun
    momonika happy to meet you..feel free to talk about whatever you like or ask whatever you want

    izume I love you -_-
  6. Robee
    Hi momonika!
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello momonika *waves*
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    *prods the group*
    So I've been thinking about relationships, last night I went out with a big group of friends to an open Mic night and yes it was fun but all the girls there where really surprised that I didnt have a love life and thought that I HAD to get a man, which apperently should be easy ... if its easy then why havnt I done it already? Its like saying 'since its so easy to find someone else to be happy with the fact that you havent makes you a failure of some kind' or am I being overly sensitive? I'm not adverse to having a relationhip I'm just not actively looking for one I'm not sure that they got the difference. And anyway in the course of this night, I did have a lot of fun, one of my friends started, what looked like, massive flirting with some radom guy even though her boyfriend was sitting less than two feet away who also happens to be a friend of mine and they ended up in a HUGE domestic fight and left without saying goodbye to anyone. And another of my friends who is engaged gets her self confidence by counting how many different guys hit on her in the course of an evening ... I know why she feels she needs the validation, and I know that neither of these two situations are any of my business and that theres nothing I can do to help (unless they ask me to of course) but again nothing about this seems 'easy'. I think people like to pretend that relationships, romance or whatever you want to call it is easy because to admit that its actually a lot of work and a lot of commitment and a lot of complex issues resulting from two people trying to get along would mean that no one would want to be in a relationship in the first place. I dont understand that, I would think that knowing that everything cant always be good or perfect or easy means that you have to try that bit harder to earn the good moments, doesnt that prove that you deserve them? Shouldnt that make the good times in a relationship that much more special and the bad times worth trying to get through? Gahh what do I know *goes to sit in the corner to brood*
  9. kumakun
    sio chan I think you're smart in the fact that you aren't trying to get someone just because...when you find someone you like and wanna make it work it will *nods* I think you're right in what you think about it and I actually would be pretty annoyed if my friends were doing that..telling you to get someone and all the flirting with people who aren't their others is just..well I'm not saying it cause its insulting and I shouldn't run my mouth on it..

    I'm tired -_-

    all this **** about having to go back to get to new posts is bull ****
  10. kumakun
    I wanna say sorry to you guys for giving such half assed answers lately..I'm just not really here anymore and the way this is set up just really annoys me so by the time I get to the message I'm all pissed offI'm sorry
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