aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Robee
    @kumakun: Response to: "Numb3RS; Don does the math"
    " Neh?"

    I got lost after dropping eels on a piece but using a remote control? I look at Don it reminds me of that joke I sometimes hear in animes: "Are you a member of the 'Onion-Head Clan'?"

    I am feeling a little better I try and not let my job get to me
    but sometimes I wonder about the level of thought that actually goes into one's actions/requests:

    "It is hard to soar like an Eagle when you work with Turkeys."

    As for life, I try and take it 'one day at a time'.
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    Thank you for the hugs kuma Its a little bit better now actually I'm kinda lucky in the sense that when this does happen at least it goes away after a couple of days! the swelling in my right hand is down which is good because I can hold a pen again *yay!* my shoulder and neck are still stiff and sore but the more I move and streatch the muscles out the easier it'll be (for all doing that hurts like crazy) my right shoulders still retracted but at least its not almost touching my ear anymores so things are improving aww robee sounds like you job kinda sucks ... is there any way you could do something else? Or at least work with other eagles?
  3. kumakun
    lol Robee he was dropping needles on the paper..I had seen that episode the night b4 I posted that but I totally forget what they were doing now..I think I have it on tape
    and last night it was the one where they used the clip of Don saying "what?" forgot what they were doing then too..>_< mostly because I've already watched two other episodes tonight and another is starting in an hour I really like that show..I record it when I'm not around..yep..the ones about the bridge..him going down and his coat catching the wind or whatever he said was from the cole building episode where a student at cal sci killed himself cause he knew there was something wrong with the building and couldn't figure it out..and he was depressed but yeah..

    sio chan~ how you doing now? happy to know it doesn't last long but I feel bad that it even happens in the first place!wat causes that?

    seriously the amount of chat going on in here has dropped insanely hasn't it? it almost makes me want to go figure out by what percent..I watch numb3rs to much >_<

    so americas best dance crew is almost over..just gotta say the winner next week..everyone knew it was going to be down to beat freaks and quest crew..those who watched the vids I left here know that...so many people wanted beat freaks/z? to win cause they would be the first girl crew..but they totally sucked last night..it wasn't even close to funny..I was actually pretty shocked by it

    first its the one where all 3 crews had to do the dance..its the same music and its supposed to be like the evolution of dance..or that sort of thing..thats what it was first season and last season it was around the world..where they had to do dances from around the world to the same music..anyways their tut was amazing and so was their second dance..the head spin on the piano was awesome..he didn't use his hard to slow down or go faster..crazy..and ryan playing the piano..that was love

    the cheerleaders out danced beat freaks..at least in my mind they did..and they sucked the whole season so that goes to show how much beat freaks failed

    watch it and tell me who you think won http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvXRsFIsavQ it starts at 1:22 so just jump there ^^
  4. kumakun
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4rd8xQ9zI4 XD at 0:14 jabbawockeez!

    also I should say that for that pinao thing they made the music themselves..at the end of the season they write their own music to dance to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1noz6R229k
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    basically ever since I fell at work about 2 years and dislocated my right hip and pulled my right trapeizeium (probably spelt horribly but its just the muscle that connects my right shoulder to my neck and back) and since then my muscles have given to siezing up or basically pulling again at any given moment and its really painfull but its manageable
  6. Robee
    @ sio chan: I'm sorry to hear that.

    My sister has JRA (Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis), she has had it since she was sixteen after a diving accident which she fractured/fused C2-C3 in her neck and lower spine. Six months of imobility in a 'Halo' caused her joints to degenerate. Doctors said my sister would never walk again.
    25 years later, my sister is living independently, she walks and has been mobile without 'walking aids' for twenty years. She has only had to have her knee joints replaced twice in to two decades (she walks everywhere) and has to go for 'gold injections' for her fingers.

    My big sisters are fiercely independent, stubborn women.


    When I think of my sisters I think of this song
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    Thats a cool song Its good that your sisters are independent, I'm so sorry about what happened to your sister it sounds really painfull but she has defied all the oods and good for her that tells me so much about how strong and determined she must be. Mines was never that serious its just a condinuing condition that I have to maintain with streatches and sometimes massagesto try and get my muscles working comfortablly again. I know my one of my uncles was nearly crippeled with arthritis, its something that runs in the family it must have been so hard seeing that in your sister at such a young age *hugs*
  8. izumeseijin
    I.... haven't posted here in a long time
    Looking back, no one's commented on the group's ava that kumakun made? It looks cool, right? Red and black is sophisticated!
    @Robee: your sister's story is very inspiring ^_^
    @sio: things that run inthe family are scary. My family has a history of diabetes and heart disease but don't tell my doctor that.
    Um, when my next vacation comes around I'll post sudokus again, if people still want them? ...Er, someone remind me (poke me by VM or PM or something)
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    whee nice to have you back izumeseijin how are things? I just accepted the ava as being awesome and that was it ... didnt even occur to me to comment on it to be honest *bad sio* Diabetes and heart desease sounds scary! At least the things that run in the family doesnt automatically mean that you'll get just gives you more to worry about in the long run >.>
    Hope your all well! I'm so fed up my hand and arm are still swollen and my shoulder still aches grrr. I have a question about the pets (I am still feeding them kuma) just wondering do the pictures ever change?
  10. kumakun
    ah you're still hurting

    I think they are supposed to change..it said they would and everytime I feed them it says picture won't change right away..which makes it seem like it will...problem is when we don't feed them they go back so it takes alot to get them to where they were b4 lets keep trying!
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