aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Robee
    Well, I fed the pets today.

    kumakun@ I heard Obahma was in your nick of the woods; what was the atmosphere like around there when he showed up?
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    I fed them today as well so yay they've been fed twice lets try to keep this up How are you Robee?
  3. kumakun
    I'm not sure we are allowed to talk about this sort of thing but actually alot of canadians were upset because he didn't really show himself...but everyone was also happy to have him
  4. Berylcrazy
    WOW.Everybody today...................I made.....um Ravy cry because I was and he had to leave for min.........wow I SO IN LOVE he's sick too so we couldn't talk
  5. Robee
    @sio chan: "I'm okay I guess; I was PO'd about work and just life in general for the last couple of weeks."

    But I've been trying to keep my mind focused on re-editing one of AMV's, working on plot outlines for 'Fan-fics' and doing research for my 'WIP'.

    @kumakun: Sorry, my bad. I forgot politics is a Taboo here. So, have been trying to catch up on some sleep at least? I hope you have?
  6. kumakun
    why did you make him cry? and sorry to hear hes sick~
  7. Berylcrazy
    Because i said some VERY romatic stuff and got sad because it cant happen for a LONG time, until he's done in high school which is just another year away, and then he had to leave for a min a had tears, im sooooo in love
  8. kumakun
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G8x9...eature=related lol I'm don when I'm watching this
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    Im amazed that dons head didnt explode!! Mine almost did!! I'm in pain I woke up this morning with my right shoulder and arm completly seized up and stiffened up to almost my ear!! My neck kept twisting really painfully when ever I turned my head and my right hand is completly swollen up *sobs* I hate my muscles! They pull and seize and spazam at any given time *grr* I'm sorry to hear that Raven is ill beryl how is he feeling? Glad you two are doing well Robee we've all been there when live just sucks! Hope its all going better for you now
  10. kumakun
    sio wow that sounds crazy! your worse off then me I hope you feel better

    I forgot what I was going to say
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