aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    we are around...tho I'm sick so I'm not sure how around I am lol
    thank you for feeding the pets..the lose levels when we don't feed them
    I made a bunch of avas for the contest tho they all suck..I tried but since my computer died I've lost photoshop and all that..so they are blank..its stupid..but it took time..and maybe someone will see them and decide to write on them or something..like a contest...they should do that..have a contest for good ones that are blank or whatever and have people write on them..blah whatever I feel like crap..
  2. Robee
    I fed the pets today; you're right I think you do lose levels if you don't feed them daily?
  3. kumakun
    ah sio I just now read your other post!I didn't see it b4!
    lol you knew the new kids thing?
    and I was going to tell you something else but I don't remember....and no..I still don't have a doctor..I've tried 11 new ones and none are taking people!

    you know I'm really hoping I'm not going to need credits for anything because I get the feel I'm not ever going to get many

    Robee yeah they do go back...the one day I came on they were back 4..so we gotta keep feeding them
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    clicked the pets I didnt realise that they lost levels if they werent fed every day! Is there not an emeregency gp or anything? If I were you I'd be writing/ phoning and emailing compliants to the health review board you've tried 11 different docs and no one will help you? Thats horrible! You've been unwell for quite some time its a doctors responsibility to help those who need them ... I'm so sorry kuma.
  5. kumakun
    yeah I've tried that...they gave me a list of people and none would take me then 2 different clinics
    I don't really want to talk about it but thank you sio chan!
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    well just know that I'm angry on your behalf and I'm thinking of you *positive vibes*
  7. kumakun
    thank you sio chan!I need the positive vibes! how are you
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    I'm ok trying to do things like studing and signing myself up for classess and training weekends for scouts and I'm trying to get all ready for moving *dum dum dum* dramatic music please! I'm scared about living on my own I'm movingin may!
  9. kumakun
    something I going on and I can't get on to feed the pets today..could you guys do it?

    sio don't worry I'm sure you'll have lots of fun living on your own
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    fed the pets today for my part come on everyone else!
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