aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    some of those vids may be there..some may not..find and watch them any

    I just saw week 5 became week 4 so I guess you get to see nkotb anyways

    or here just watch this..its the guys channel and it has them all http://www.youtube.com/user/QuestCrewMedia
  2. xsweetiex
    Hello Kumakun
    Finally a place i can fit in! I'm shy so i don't talk a lot, i hope this group can help me with my shyness.
    Thank you so much for creating a space for all the shy people
  3. Berylcrazy
    xsweetix nice to meet you, and feel free to ask any questions you may have!
  4. kumakun
    hey its nice to meet you

    Robee I got to tell you I feel bad for not making sense b4..but you know how I am when I'm awake at 4 am I'm sure sio chan will answer you tho..sio always has good answers*nods*not that I'm asking sio to do it..its just most likely that she will...cause thats what sio does...
  5. Berylcrazy
    Hey everyone! I think I met someone on here his name is Ravenboy he just makes me so happy!
  6. kumakun
    did you? thats cool alot of people on here find someone*nods*

    who in this group has a seme/uke?

    I don't have either
  7. Berylcrazy
    Last night we talked for 4 hours! And today around 2:00 he's going to call me! I hope
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello people Kuma having never watched abdc at all before I have to say I LOVED the quest crew dancing expecially the ohh ohh oh ohhh oh :P NKOB whoop! I'm worried that your still not sleeping well? Have you been able to see a doc about it? (I remember that before christmas you were saying that you couldnt find a local gp to help you out ... feel better hun *hugs*
    Nice to meet you sweetie *waves* hope you like it here I second Beryl please feel free to ask/ talk about anything or just jump in to whatever conversation we're all having its all good
    Ohhh Beryl getting a date? Thats so cute! Do guys live close? He's not a name I've come across here but good luck! And for all I really hate to say it do be carefull ... I know that everyone on aarin is really nice but you hear some scare stories about internet dating but still I'm excited for you keep us posted *fingers crossed for you*
    Robee I kinda know where your coming from I dont really talk to people unless I feel comfortable with them and even then I sometimes second guess myself about how I'm being perceived I always seem to come across as "stuck up" whenever people first meet me (I've been told) and that just makes me even more paranoid about it which apparently makes me even more stuck up its a vicious circle! But sometimes you just have to keep trying, if you dont think much of the people you work with then why worry about their opinion of you? Too be honest I dont understand how the IQ thing works but I'm guessing your really smart? Dont feel bad about this whole "living up to your potential thing" I think people just cant cope with being content, if your happy with where you are in live why feel like you have to push yourself into doing things to 'prove yourself worthy'? Does that make sense? I kinda get the impression that your not happy though and this does raise some stuff ... if you dont like the people you work with but do like your job could you ask for a transfer even into a diff department? Does your work do training programmes that you could take part in? I have no idea what/ where you work so I'm just throwing ideas out at you. If its not a work issue but a personal life thing try to be really honest with yourself what do you enjoy doing, are they are ways that you can build on that? There are usually community clubs/ groups that welcome new members...
    And about the homophobe I'm not sure if this is someone you met online? if so it were me I'd ignore them, I'd think that either there saying this crap to me just to start an argument or that they clearly had 'acceptance' issues with their own sexuality in which case its not you dont have to take their abuse until they can get over it! Block them or report them to the administrator *nod nod* In real life? I dunno thats a hard one I've had arguments with prejudiced people and it can be really intimidating plus again I'd be thinking how can you like depictions of same sex couples but not be ok with real people being gay/ bi? Grrr Again theres no reason for you to ever speak to this person again why should you? And who the hell are they that they get to view your life and loves as a source of entertainment? This person has no right to judge you how dare they!
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    and I've just realised that my previous post is a monster!! please feel free to disregard!
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    clicked the pets Is no one around? ...
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