aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Robee
    Working. So, I am pretty bagged
  2. kumakun
    sometimes I wish I had something interesting to say
    this place has died
  3. Raykaida
    Everyones stuck at work......
  4. Berylcrazy
    Happy Hearts Day everybody! And hope you have someone on that day! I know I dont
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello everyone I've never celebrated Valantines ... I suppose its cynical to say that its a holiday designed to sell chocolates and cards? Although people could probably say that is because Im single and have always been single on every valantines? Ah well *shrugs* Happy Valantines to all with love and affection *hugs*
  6. iLikeYou
    Happy Valentine's everyone~
    Ahhh it's okay sio-chan. You'll find your special person. Maybe not on Valentines but love doesnt have to be on Valentines at all. ^^
    Love should be celebrated everyday not only on a day. =P
  7. kumakun
    happy valentines to everyone

    there now I can be a bratt and say I'm seriously annoyed that some subbing sites kinda make me mad..shy people shouldn't have to do things they don't want to in order to watch something they like..thats just not right..and maybe I just don't want to talk to those people hm? I am really not happy right now!

    I can see subbers not wanting to have thier stuff taken but not allowing someone watch something because they aren't chatty is stupid..I'm not just saying that for me..for the others who wanna watch it too!

    there are very very very few things I comment on outside of aarin...mostly because I'm going back and watching things from a year ago and its weird sorta to be thanking someone that long after..I'll let the person know I'm thankfull in a pm or something so the poor person doesn't get 50 comments a night all saying the same thing

    really I watch that much stuff on here..from like midnight till 6 am or something....I just wanna watch nino damn it!
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    that sucks kuma what sites do you use?are any of the people you are allready friendly with have subs of thingsthat you can watch? Or maybe thy could 'vouch' for you so to speak? Doesnt seem fair that your being penalised just for not being chatty ... Raykaida nice to see you again, hows your work going? Have you applied to colleges? I'm now an official part time student with my card and everything although none of my course materials have come thru yet and I go back to work tomorrow *sigh* I got all this time off and havnt really done anything with it and my wrist is making very strange clicking noises and it really aches im not sure why (sorry everytime I do something even slightly good/ proactive I immediatly have to counter with the bad stuff, I dont know why)
  9. Robee
    @kumakun: Penalised for not being 'chatty'? That does suck.

    I don't usually get 'chatty' in any group unless I feel I have anything interesting to share or relevant to ponder about. Mostly, (if you have'nt browsed my 'stats' already) I usually save my insanity for a thread I called "Facetious". It is difficult sometimes to express a sentiment to another persons work, for myself; I usually keep my opinions to myself. Mostly out of fear of being ridiculed or bring misinterperted by others; then I feel my opinions are unvalued. I especially feel that way when I'm at work.
    Then again if I didn't look like a walking brick wall of pain and acted more like a subservient guy with an I.Q. of 147 (which I do have but I don't take it seriously) I probably taken more seriously too.

    For example, I came across a member who admits to being "Homophobic" but likes Yaoi. I find that hypocritical. I'm bisexual by the way. I don't like the idea of my love life (or in my case lack thereof) being entertainment fodder for somone to watch or read about just because gay love is 'hot', or it's 'amusing'. I feel like one of a pair goldfish in a school of blue guppies in a fifty gallon fish tank.
    I read/watch Yaoi because I wish my real life relationships were not as complicated as the characters in the story (some of the stories anyway). Also I love Manga and a good story.

    Has anybody here felt like this?
  10. kumakun
    sio I forgot what you said but it was something to do with maybe someone else giving them to me or vauching for me right?

    well I do have someone who helps me find things and I thank her for it but I don't think she can help here..and rules are rules so it can't just be changed for one person..I don't think..tho maybe there is someone who might be able to help I'll have to ask later..

    Robees back well you all know that I can be very chatty when its people I want to talk to or get a good vibe from...I'm not feeling it with them and I really just don't want to talk to them its not cause I'm shy..just don't really like them for some reason..I feel mean but its the way I feel

    I met one of my best friends because I pmed her about a fanfic ^^ I don't mind doing it if I feel I like the person or really like whatever they said*nods* I think theres about 15 people I thank and leave comments for..god I'm tired..

    yeah theres a few people on here that say they are homophobic..I've talked to a few myself...my reaction was why the bleep are you here then? but I figured they just want to know more or just aren't ready or something..tho the amusing comment would piss me off greatly
    I wouldn't like it either if I were you

    I wish I could say what I'm really thinking but my mind isn't working right now so I can't seem to say what I'm thinking..holy bleep thats a screwed up way to say it..can't help it right now tho..

    on something else..I really like quest crew on abdc..their week 3 thing was so awesomeXD I was going to just leave week 3s episode but I think I may leave a few now..

    week 2-fittness week http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=do1CJ...eature=related the slow motion part was awesome!
    week 3-had to dance like britbrit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLRZz...eature=related I didn't think this would be a good week but I was so wrong! the spider and shablam were amazing! they danced like her o_O blind fold was part of the task also^^
    week 5-had to do an illusion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iG3v6...eature=related they did good with what they had*nods*

    and week for was new kids on the block the right stuff..I'd put it here but I don't think anyone would really watch it...oh oh ohhhhh oh oh ohhhhh oh oh ohhhh the right stuff!
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