aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. izumeseijin
    Came back and saw something odd in my profile O___O
    Question marks? Huh?
    And then clicked them and saw
    OH! The social groups can have an avatar! NEAT!!!
    So how do we go about doing that
  2. kumakun
    I don't like this at all >.>

    I want the old way back >.>
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    Ok ... whats going on with the social groups? I dont like this new way at all how do we change it back?
  4. kumakun
    I feel the same way sio chan!
    make it go back to the old way

    I really hope they decide to change this part back

    If someone wants to make/find an ava for this group I will make it the ava...if theres more then one we'll vote ^^
    if it were left to me it would most likely end up being a pic of takashi or something lol so you all better find something we can all like
  5. kumakun
    are any of you able to feed the pets? cause its not letting me it wont take me to the page or anything

    I hate the way this is now..If I wasn't the one who created this I would leave

    I was just reading more of the upgrade stuff and it kinda looks like I could hand this over to someone...maybe we should pick a new leader?
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    but ... what would we do without you? If you decide to leave thats ok it is your decision but just know that we'd all miss you, *hugs* I havnt been able to find the pets to click them but maybe I'm looking in the wrong place? I thought that they'd be on the social group postings still...
    Could we maybe make some suggestions to the mods about returning some functions of the groups back to what they used to be? Like for example being able to click on the group tag and be taken straight into the discussion without all the additional clicking to find the most recent post? Would that even be possible?
  7. kumakun
  8. kumakun

    Click here to feed me a Star Fruit!

    Click here to feed me a Rare Candy!

    I feel like I should stay here but I REALLY hate this new way and it makes me not want to even be bothered coming...I dunno maybe they will make some changes to this but it seems like alot of people really like it >.>
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    Clicked the pets I left a suggestion in the suggestions/comments thread just asking if it was possible to adjust the update to allow us to just come straight into the social group and start posting from the most recent post like how it used to be... I'm not sure if it'll make much difference but there cant be much harm in asking right? >.< I'm just worried about offending a mod but if we never tell them that we're not that keen of some aspects of the update they'll never know right?
  10. kumakun
    yeah I thought about asking one of the mods thats in this group..we have a few in here you know lol we have lent and dm.su and I think a third but I can't remember who
    you're right it wont hurt to ask
    thank you for feeding the pets..I wanna know what ninokun is

    I am seriously in a bad mood...I've been in a big mago mago arashi kick..cause really nino is so cute when hes sleeping and aiba is so kind to the older people..<3 anyways I got Izume to help me find a place to watch them subbed..and now I can't watch half of them cause the person who put them in the community friend locked them and won't add new people to her friend list and said to not even bother asking...wtf...WTF..WHY WOULD YOU EVEN BOTHER PUTTING THEM THERE..THATS SUCH A ****ING TEASE...I really wanna tell the person off but I'm holding back...I can understand friendlocking...but to do it in a community and then say you wont add people? I mean come on!
    I left messages to the others who said we could ask to join..but I'm still mad about that one person
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