aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. yaoirulez
    Lol, I was gonna say I wanted to lose weight too but that's really never gonna happen.....I tried before that counts right??.....It's like I want to lose weight without cutting out the food I enjoy so I say it's impossible....Happy "Official" New Years Eve ~_^!!!!!
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hehe, see I dont really believe in resolutions I always feel that I never keep them and it just gives me more to feel guilty about at the years end ... but I would like to achieve certain things for the next year: I would like to sit and pass my driving test, save up and travel somewhere, anywhere, and move out into a flat of my own ... although that is very unlikely as I have very little cash and the econmic downturn means that there is no chance of me getting a mortgage and I'd like to take a language class I'm thinking of learning french ... I'd also like to exercise some more but I'm not holding myself to any of it in case I dont actually do any of it ... :P
  3. yaoirulez
    wow! i never thought of it that way before but i kinda have to agree......Happy New Years everyone......(i know i'm 36mins late though).....hope everyone is partying it up...while i'm not
  4. kumakun
    do you guys remember how I got that hook in my toe a few months back? well..I did it again...only its my other foot >.>
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    Owww! How? and well How? that sounds soo painful kuma! Did you go fishing for the new years? Hope you toe is ok!
    @yaoirulez I wouldnt worry about it to much. I'm one of these people where as soon as I feel pressured into doing anything I immediatly dig my heels in and refuse to do it out of sheer stubbornness ... and then I feel guilty for not doing anything, which is why I have plans but not resolutions because plans can always change or be delayed which is kind of a cop out but it works for me
  6. kumakun
    no its this wire hook thing anyways it wasn't to bad..cause this time I knew right away what I did so I didn't keep walking when I felt the tug >_<

    we lost a member wonder who it was

    Izume my points aren't updating again..its been 4 days

    I've come to the conclusion that ryuichi sakuma is based off of aiba *nods*

    I really want lv 10 ryuichi...its not fair that its so many points..I don't understand the point in that..other then getting people to enter contests and upload stuff....it should be like..500,000 if they wanna make it be worth more -_-

    I just remembered there are mods in here >_< ah well I don't mean anything by that..just my sadness of having to spend that many points to get the flipping card -_-
  7. iLikeYou
    Lol. I never thought there was a club like this until now. =X
    Ahh back to school in 3days for me. T.T
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    Still sounds really painfull did you go to the hospital to get it removed Kuma?
    iLikeYou welcome like the van goh avi very creative I go back to work on Monday and I'm moving into a different dept/ team which is on a different wing of the building I work in but I'm doing exactly the same job, I'm not sure about the people I'm going to be working with it takes a lot for me to open up/ warm up to people and I've already been told that this is a very "close knit" team ... I feel like I dont always make the best first impression because I dont really talk to people I dont know, I seem to come across as 'up my self' ah well what can do ...
  9. izumeseijin
    T_____T Back to uni on monday. And I have a stupid schedule when lectures are at least 3 hours apart (6 hours is the most). I do have Fridays off but every other Saturday I'm going to be tutoring and I'm thinking of volunteering at Sick Kids...

    Anyways, welcome to iLikeYou and hope you feel better kuma
  10. Alfazil
    Hi everyone, just joined
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