aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Bemused Dreamer
    Ah, same here with the snow. I'm out shoveling every other day at least.

    Sorry to hear you guys are sick. I think I'm getting over my cold or whatever I had. Though the occasional sniffle and cough will remain, I suppose.
  2. DLRave
    @izumeseijin: Cookies are awesome!! Now I want a cookie. Sorry to hear about the snow. I don't get any though.

    @Bemused Dreamer: Its good to hear your getting better. Cold's are annoying!!
  3. kumakun
    I liked the storm... I always love snow storms..they make me forget things I don't want to think about...<3
    I don't like all the car accidents tho
    m so tired
    m not even answering people on my page..to tired to think of anything..

    izume I like it when you tell me even tho I never join...I like looking at them tho *nods*
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    clicked the pets Its allright I'm probably over exaggerating things it only feels like I get sick all the time I probably dont ;P Sorry to hear about your eye kuma sounds painfull ... have you seen a doctor at all maybe they could give you something to help you sleep?
    Ohhh snow, hoping for snow this year but it seems like its just going to rain *shrugs* cookies are just as good
  5. kumakun
    I thought they were supposed to come out today.....wonder why they haven't I wanna know what they are damn it!

    sio chan I haven't gotten a new dr since my old one left..no one is taking new people and walk in drs don't give out narcotics...otherwise I would have my persciption

    we have a new member..hello!

    also ohno looks scared in some parts...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIPTbV4HYsE

    can anyone get their hands on some yu-gi-oh gx doujinshi? my friend really wants some and can't find any...she put in a request but no one is doing it...points for doing it...or if you wanna be a secret santa let me know..please and thanx...chazz/jaden btw
  6. kumakun
    lol they are all the same well thats ok cause they are from the same group *nods* little tiny charmanders!just noticed they are slightly different shades ^^

    we have a new member ...hello!
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    Christmas Charmanders!! There so cute! *squee*
    Thats terrible that you cant get your medicines ... cant a pharmacy give you something over the counter thats at least similar to your persciption? *hugs* hope you feel better soon and that if nothing else you get a new doctor soon *hugs some more*
  8. kumakun
    I put them all together..tho I don't think I'm supposed to do that...shhhh...

    sio yeah I can get over the counter stuff but it doesn't work so theres not much point

    everyone looking forward to christmas?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0Lwn...eature=related >.> gotta love that the 3 second intro to that is blind game again...yaoi anime and them..yep...not going to say anything else..I'm sure you know what I'm thinking
  9. izumeseijin
    It's the 25th here! Merry Christmas, everyone! Hope your holidays are fine and your new year be even better ^___^
  10. kumakun
    lol yes merry christmas everyone!

    -_-;;; tee hee hee lol I love it

    don't foget to go to the gift give away....theres still alot left...I got 500,000 points so you might get something good too!
Results 1931 to 1940 of 2934