aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    hey I suck so bad its not even funny...at our school our teachers marked us on singing I got 4 out of 10..ya..I suck..but I'm going to do it to get some points so I can get this game going as soon as I can I'd rather walk into the wall and hit my head again tho to be honest

    loveless_ar I left you a message on msn but you weren't there....thank you for donating if you win!
  2. Schiz
    Kuma ill enter it too as soon as ive gotten a darn mp3 converter since the song need to be in mp3 format xD
    (Omg did i acually post here now?! )
  3. kumakun
    omg you did! lol ya i dunno if i am now cause i have to get a mic and all that but i want the damn points for the game..oh well..game will just take longer to do
  4. Schiz
    Kuma you know i will help you in any way i can with it so just ask, ill try to get that pic you wanted done tonight btw
    But my computer crashed last night so i dont remember the text you wanted me to add etc... so if possible tell me on msn when you have the chance, ill be on most of the night so.
  5. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Well, now that my points are like totally flying through the roof thanks to the bank (lol) I figure I gotta host a contest. Ideas?
  6. kumakun
    Ya I'm happy I'm getting points to cause most of mine were gonna be gone...umm...real life yaoi fic contest? lol no I'm just playing...cause I want a nagayan tuti fic...teehee
  7. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    lol nah ... don't want a writing contest b/c then I won't be able to run another contest for weeks, since we can't do two at once *pout* Wouldn't want to give away TOO many points I guess

    Who is Nagayan Tuti?
  8. kumakun
    nagayan plays toushiro and tuti plays gin in the bleach musical
    thats them doing something else but they look so cute...and...together...
    guessing game...um..but you said contest..what kind do you normally do?
  9. makiyuki
    @ Artemis If you want a quick contest how about some type of anime trivia with screencaps or just questions?
  10. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    Trivia ... I could do trivia ... Not screenshots b/c I only keep Gintama on my pc

    The last contest I ran (I think) was matching the animal with the Bleach character it represented, like a rabbit for Rukia I like kooky contests.
Results 181 to 190 of 2934