aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Squizzz
    Good morning, everyone ^__^
    (oh, well, here it's morning xD)

    Thank you for the welcome *sits and makes herself comfortable*
    Kumakun, are you going to be a Secret Santa? I think I lost some pieces of conversation
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    @ kuma 5 is true so long as I'm not the only one to become frustrated with the constant barrage of christmas songs especially that one...
    I havnt entered the secret santa on site cause I'm not sure if I'd have the time to actually do one for someone else and it wouldnt be fair for me to get something and then not give something in return
    *waves hello* Hmmm123 nice to meet you
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    The ones that are left should anyone still want to have a guess ...?

    1. I love Jackie Chan and would worship him if ever I found a suitable efigy
    2. I rearrange books in book shops in order of series and alphabet name of the author
    3. I flushed my brothers stash of "herbs" once while on holiday and he has never forgiven me for it
    4. I carried one of my friends 4 miles home and put her to bed because she was so drunk that no taxie would take her
    10. I secretly like Russel Brand
  4. kumakun
    Squizzz can't really say without giving it away tho the person already knows I believe

    so now I have 4 out of 10 right..right?

    if no one else guesses by tomorrow will you tell us?
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    Yup I guess maybe no one else wants to play the game? > I'll spill all tomorrow, I'm not feeling so great (again!) grr I feel like I just got over being sick now here I am again just a couple of weeks later ... its not good
  6. kumakun
    sio...you're sick again? you sound like me >_< feel better soon!

    guys..you have to stop me from buying people cards..its making me crazy >_<

    Because of my love for mash I made this...frank looks so happy...I liked larry<3

    I'm not a very good secret keeper when it comes to my own secrets

    Daikichan and Tsuchi are now level 60..don't forget to feed them eh?
    I saw someones pokemon at level 70 so I'm hoping he'll come out soon..I wish I could remember the date it said it would hatch on
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    Everythings true but number 10 I know I hate being ill and I hate missing work ... I really like this job but most places have a three occasions sick before discilinary actions... *sobs*
  8. kumakun

    Click here to feed me a Rare Candy!

    Click here to feed me a Rare Candy!

    Click here to feed me a Rare Candy!

    Click here to feed me a Rare Candy!
    Click here to feed me a Rare Candy!
    The date of Tsuchi being seen by us is the 21st and I'm adding more so please feed them to..I am naming them all after pnish members..seemed weird to only have daiki and tuti...if anyone wants to help me level them up I'll give you the codes to add it where ever you want..I doubt any of you want to do that tho
  9. Ghostlyhaunt
    Hey all.. just popped in to say hello.. then back to work.. shhhh.. work..it's what's for dinner
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    Clickyed the pets how is everyone doing? I went back to work today >.< couldnt face being off some more so ... I cant be absent again till after april next year we are allowed 3 instances of absence in one year and I've had two already if I'm off even once more I face disciplinary action and the new year (in terms of tax/payroll) in april 2009 so heres hoping for perfect health for the next 5 months
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