aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    oh I'm doing good in this game \(^_~)v
    I'm leaving it for other people to answer lol I'll guess again if no one else does tho *nods*
    I had a guy friend that was like that until he figured out he liked me lol

    how is everyone doing tonight?

    2 new members in two days..we are doing good! hello new memebers!
  2. Bemused Dreamer
    Bemused Dreamer
    Um. 9's true? (cause they certainly scare me D

    (gah, and I'm always late, but, have you checked the person's livejournal? Or at least, have you read this fic? Well, I found it kinda awesome anyway >.< Especially Rui <3 )
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    Thank you for guessing bemused but clowns dont scare me (unless its the scary clown from It but thats a given) Hope you guess again but I can get how they can be scary
  4. Squizzz
    Hello, newbie here
    I just felt like joining, in Christmas-y mood xD

    @sio chan: sorry, I just read some pieces of conversation...Woooa, you love Monty Python! Lol, they're so great! *__*
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello to you Squizzz *waves* if ou can bring me a shrubbery and name facts about swallows I'll love you forever *eheheh random Python jokes are the best*
    I kinda like Christmas, sometimes I'm really in the mood for it and other times I think that if I hear Mariah Carey singing 'All I want for Christmas' one more time then someones going to end up in a lot of pain ... is that just me?
  6. kumakun
    I'm not a rui fan but I'll read it if I haven't already..I did look around some but I think I got sidetracked or something

    5 true? someone in here is I remember that much *nods* I could cheat and go back and read to find out who but that takes the fun away^^

    Its not just you...I have been lucky enough not to hear it this christmas and I'm crossing my fingers for the rest of the month -_-

    hello ^^ I was beinging to wonder if you or the others were going to say anything its nice to meet you and welcome to the group

    I added a Tsukasa/Tsukushi fic to my secret santa thing...what did you guys all want?
  7. kumakun
  8. Hmmm123
    Helloooooooooooo! noob here!
  9. Sinebran
    *Attempts to sneak in and sit quietly like she's never been gone*


    how is everyone?
  10. kumakun
    creepy...I was wondering if you were ever going to comment in here again earlier today..but thats mostly because of the question to us in our fic contest whats up?

    hello new member!

    how many new people this week? 5? *nods* I think 5..

    I'm doing alright..was thinking I might try to sleep soon..seeing how its 4 am and all..how about you guys?

    plus no one has answered about what they wished for in secret santa
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