aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello Raykaida umm I guess I could sleep there because I was tired? ... Normally if I get tired enough I can sleep anywhere (Hence the ditch/rabbit hole)
    sorry I weirded you out on that Kuma I normally reign in the weirdness factor till people know me a little better and wont judge me based on just that but yay I get to go next? hmmm thinking of some facts...and I'll need to think of some false things too just to make it more interesting!
  2. kumakun
    lol you didn't weird me out..just out wierded me that time

    Raykaida Its supposed to hatch on a preset date but I don't remember it
    well the movie did well in theaters..was number one for a few weeks so I thought there would be more stories *nods*
  3. Bemused Dreamer
    Bemused Dreamer
    Kinda late, but do you know the rec site Fleeting Fancies? I'm pretty sure that the owner likes that pairing, and I could swear there were a couple fic links on the site. Other than that.... Uh....

    I have yet to see the dramas, though I will eventually. There's also a Korean version that's coming out as well (though there are differences).
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    Ok 10 things that may or may not be true about me, there not very good but I figured after my turn someone more creative than me would play next
    1. I love Jackie Chan and would worship him if ever I found a suitable efigy
    2. I rearrange books in book shops in order of series and alphabet name of the author
    3. I flushed my brothers stash of "herbs" once while on holiday and he has never forgiven me for it
    4. I carried one of my friends 4 miles home and put her to bed because she was so drunk that no taxie would take her
    5. I'm a scout leader
    6. I had a huge crush on the same guy for 3 years during High School and never told him
    7. I can quote entire episodes of Monty Python
    8. I once dyed my hair purple on a whim
    9. clowns scare me
    10. I secretly like Russel Brand

    Feel free to guess everyone
  5. kumakun
    I'll guess 8 is true..I've done that\(^_~)V
    and I'll also guess 6 is true ^^

    Beamused Dreamer thanks for the help

    ah damn it the link for the boys over flowers fics doesn't work
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    Ding dong you are correct! I've also dyed my hair blue and once very regretably a horrid pink all because I had the whim to do so
    And 6 is also true ... I always kinda wondered what would have happened had I actually built up the courage to say something... ah well
  7. kumakun
    i kinda cheated cause we talked about dying hair in here b4 and I figured 6 was true because of your not dating and because this is the SHY/thinkers group ^^
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    ^^ at least it shows that you remebered the past topics of discussion I miss my purple hair, I really liked it hmm I can feel myself digging out the dye...
    you want to know the funny thing about 6. is that said guy is now a student teacher and is doing his placement in the same school as my mother so now she lets me know whenever he asks about me ^^ its a small world
  9. kumakun
    ohhhhhhhhh he asks about you does he? I think you know what I'm thinking about that so I wont say it >_<
    7 true? I know someone in here knows it tho I don't remember whoor maybe I made it up..

    The bad thing about the secret santa is that some of the people wont get anything and that doesn't feel very nice..I didn't get anything last year so I'm not holding my breath this year either..but still its a nice thought *nods*

    I see we have a new member..hello new member!
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    Heh no its not like that we were friends and I was the girl that he talked to about all the other girls he liked and wanted to go out/ was going out with, none of them were anything like me he liked the girly girls and I was the girl that guys could talk to about the post punk movement, war movies, sci fi and comics ... it was a total one way crush >.< plus I havnt seen/ spoken to him or any of my school friends in almost 3 years :/
    7 is true! I love the Pythons, I've probably ranted about that on here before
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