aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    Heheh sounds like fun bet they were all really flattered as well people always like being told there hot especailly when its true!
  2. kumakun
    lol one didn't think i was talking to him and an other didn't know what to do..cause I surprised them randomly I love my boys

    any other guesses?

    I am having issues again...as you guys know everytime I get into something I go nuts trying to find fics..now I'm in my tsukasa must be with tsukushi kick..it was sorta random to..I haddn't watched the anime in atleast a year..so far I've only found one really good site..and I want more..you know me..anyone know of any? also as a side note I don't take rui and tsukushi well..I like rui as a character but I'm a true tsukasa/tsukushi fan *nods*

    I'm going to end up asking for fics of them in my next contest I know it
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    sorry kuma I dont really know of a lot of fan fiction sites but I dont see why it should be a problem for you to request some of the good aarin writers here
  4. kumakun
    yeah I'm thinking about doing that actually...but last 2 times I asked I never got anything:/
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    Ah ... well that sucks, maybe it'll work out better this time? *fingers crossed*
    So a guess, I'm going to guess that number 2 is true? (Only because I actually did sleep in a tree when I was 6 so why shouldnt other people to something similar )
  6. kumakun
    yeah thats true too if I can sleep I'll do it where I am..if I'm in a tree so be it

    the only one that isn't true is that I cosplay as her..I don't ^^ rest is all true..I am shy tho I don't act like it..or so i'm told...really all it is is my loudness overpowering my shyness..

    someone else wanna go ?

    Click here to feed me a Star Fruit!
    Get your own at Flyffables!

    Click here to feed me a Rare Candy!
    Get your own at Pokeplushies!
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    *clicked the pets* Heheh your just like me! I sleep wherever and whenever I can Although the tree is not the most unusual place for me I once slept halfway in a ditch over a rabbit hole (long story) anyways ... who wants to go next and play the game? I'll take a turn but it might take a while for me to think of some facts ... *ponderings*
  8. izumeseijin
    I'm feeling too sleepy. Mind you, anyone reading 10+ scientific papers would feel sleepy. I'm drinking coffee to keep myself awake >.<
    I want to see the Pokemon *clicks*

    I remember falling down from a tree when I was climbing it. I didn't hit my head, but I did bang my mouth (I landed face first, nothing else got hurt except for my jaw... cat genes? well I do like fish )
  9. kumakun
    heres a note for everyone..if you ever add me on msn..block me if you have work to do because even tho I try not to talk I always somehow end up doing it anyways *nods*

    sio chan lol you out weird me on that one I've never slept in a ditch over a rabbit hole you can go next..I have a feeling yours might be hard since that just took me by surprise\(^_^)/

    izume that must have sucked...I went head first down a slide and knocked out some teeth..baby teeth so it was ok
    I wanna see what he is to..I hope hes pretty..or cute..Daikichan down there is clearly in leader mode lol...thats the look Daiki gets when pissed off about something..its most often directed towards tuti and the odd time Eiji..Wasshi is just there I love wasshi tho>_<
  10. Raykaida
    Hi there, haven't been here in a while......stupid job
    Kumakun I see your egg thingy hatched I clicked on them both any idea when the pokemon will come out I'm curious to see what it will be too, Tsukasa/Tsukushi huh? I don't think I've even read any fics on them I haven't seen the anime but I have read the manga.

    I must of been the only one who didn't want to climb trees when I was little, how the heck did you guys manage to sleep in one!!
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