aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    most are right except I named my bees snuzzle and yatta \(^_^)/
    lol seems like we are the only ones on right now..so how about I list 10 things and everyone can guess if its true or not..

    1-I once during math class ate paper so my teacher couldn't read my smutt stories outloud
    2-I used to sleep in trees
    3-I love ross the intern
    4-I'm shy
    5-I once played lost in the barrons with my friend for hours
    6-I once randomly told guys I went to school with that they are hot
    7-I once asked Raine Maida if he wanted ice
    8-I cosplay as kikyo
    9-I only watch jay leno for headlines
    10-I know the lyrics to the dukes of hazard opening
  2. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    I'm gonna say #9 is true because I do that, too
  3. kumakun
    hahaha yeah 9 is true..its the only reason I watch it

    anymore guesses?
  4. izumeseijin
    1 is true? (well i remember you eating the paper but i don't know why )
  5. kumakun
    one is also true..I knew some of you knew I did that but didn't think new to the group people did...I really should have gotten in trouble for it too..I guess the shock of it out did him being mad at me..
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello all I'm making a guess here to join in the game but I'm going to guess that 10 is true?
  7. mahomomo
    @kumakun: Nothing much, yourself? :3
  8. kumakun
    opened a can for the cat and it sliced my finger open..its super fun
    other then that nothings going on..trying to get people to play the game..its nice to get to know other people I think

    sio chan you're right I do know the lyrics the good old boys never doin no harm been in trouble with the law since the day they were born...thats the part I like..or fighting the system like a true modern day robin hood..
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    ouch! sounds like a great time kuma! :/ I'm going to guess that 6 is false?
  10. kumakun
    six is true lol it was kinda funny...a few were like uh what? cause it came out of no where they are hot so it wasn't a lie either lol
Results 1841 to 1850 of 2934