aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    I clicked Daikichan and he changed! Hes a blue hyena type dog Yay!!
  2. mahomomo
    Ummm... hello all. ^^;
  3. kumakun

    Click here to feed me a Star Fruit!
    Get your own at Flyffables!

    Click here to feed me a Rare Candy!
    Get your own at Pokeplushies!

    well Daikchan isn't the prettiest thing ever...I wish he was red...blue is eiji color

    hello mahomomo whats up?
  4. yawnkitty
    @kumakun: OMG..KITTY!!!!!!!! so cute!!!! reminds me of my old kitty i wanna pet it..looks so soft and fluffy and nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  5. kumakun
    you guys wanna play 10 things you know about me? just for something to do..
    everyone can answer and after mines done we pick the new one?..its the only thing I can think of to do
  6. izumeseijin
    kumakun used to live in quebec (i think, don't know how to make the accent show XP)

    the pokeball is lv 50 but why hasn't it changed?
  7. kumakun
    lol I've never lived in quebec..where did you get that from? I was born in etobacoke sp on that...lets just say brampton*nods*

    the pokeball opens on a preset date

    crap I forget what I'm allowed to say about people and whats a secret
    I know you had work to do last night but it didn't stop me from pestering you
    did you get it done btw?

    ok one thing about me...

    I like mpreg stories if they make sense..and I am totally inlove with Kita_the_spazes shimo as well as the pic of kakashi holding baby shimo..efnjefherhjhegu!
  8. izumeseijin
    lol, i do know you don't like studying french.
    honestly, i don't know how to play the game XP Please explain
  9. kumakun
    thats true..french is not my friend>_<
    its just a simple state 10 things you think are true about me and I'll say yes or no..me saying my mpreg was an example..

    1-izume likes sudoku
    2-izume likes skip beat
    3-izume made her own set
    4-izume likes to hold contests
    5-izume seems to like a peacock that lives in a park
    6-izume can draw
    7-izume may take mcats
    8-izume always helps if she can
    9-izume likes cats
    10-izume is most likely studying or doing something school related right now..or running her contest in between school stuff

    theres my 10 for you
  10. izumeseijin
    I see, I see.

    aside from the french thing,
    kuma's cat's name is athrun
    kuma's name came from kumaguro in Gravitation
    kuma like tuti and takashi
    kuma's set is made by eiri
    kuma named one of her bees dearka
    kuma can draw
    kuma's name is kayte
    kuma likes kakairu
    kuma likes morixdaiki

    5. you mean this one
    Not really, I just like the colors on it ^^ And the fact that there was a fence between me and the peacock but I was able to take a nice picture without any wires. On a side note, I need a new camera. The one used for this picture is taking them with a reddish tint. No idea why
    10. supposed to be studying but procrastinating Here's the link to the recent contest LINK
Results 1831 to 1840 of 2934