aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun

    Click here to feed me a Star Fruit!
    Get your own at Flyffables!

    Click here to feed me a Rare Candy!
    Get your own at Pokeplushies!

    you guys know what to do...its going to be here soon! I say it cause I don't know what he is:/

    hello new people its nice to have you
    Bemused Dreamer does that have it? bittorret doesn't seem to want to work for me for some reason
  2. izumeseijin
    Thanks to Bemused Dreamer for the lj suggestion *bonks self on head* Completely forgot about LJ.
    @kuma: Here's the link but make sure to join the community first to see it (http://community.livejournal.com/asian_doramas/)
  3. yawnkitty
    Hi =D thanks guys *feels welcomed* I love cats too...their so cute *squeeeee*
  4. kumakun
    thanks guys
    his headband is backwards but he was mad at me so go with it

  5. izumeseijin
    A cat! It's a cat! I want to pet it! I seriously want to pet it
    (hope it didn't hurt you or the cat in the process of putting on the forehead protector ^^)
    Is this one Athrun?
  6. kumakun
    yep thats athrun he didn't get hurt and I didn't either..he just didn't like it>_< poor thing>_<
    I decided to post it since you guys were talking about loving cats
  7. AshtrayHeart
    @Kumakun: Awweee, your cat looks so annoyed! But still very, very cute!
  8. Bemused Dreamer
    Bemused Dreamer
    kumakun - if you're still looking for it, then yeah, it has seasons 1 and 2. I want to say it also has the movie, but I could be wrong...

    ;asldkjfsdf B'AWW Athrun looks so cute >_< (the easiest way to kidnap an idiot like me would be to offer me a kitten D: )
  9. kumakun
    Bemused I might get back to you cause I dunno right now
    lol don't tell people that ! they may trying to kidnap you!
  10. kumakun
    the reason I was thinking about boys over flowers is because I was talking to someone about gundamseed and I'm an yzak fan..the voice actor for the anime did yzak to...then I saw bits and pieces of the live action and wanted to watch it...

    also I took the rainbow test again

    Your rainbow is strongly shaded pink and black.
    What is says about you: You are a powerful person. You appreciate everyone around you. You may meet people who are afraid of you. You are a good listener and your friends are glad to have you around in difficult times.

    I finally put all my cards in one place
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