aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    they haven't hatched yet..Daikichan has to be 50 b4 anything happens and Tsuchi comes out on a date (just thought about tuti comoing out on a date lol..since Tsuchi is from his name)

    I'm alright..pissed off beyond mad at a few people but thats life..
    ^ made me happy love tsuchiyas face at the end there
  2. Raykaida
    Oh my god!! Love the video

    but yeah you've got a point.......life's a pain sometimes ^^
  3. kumakun
    yeah espacially when you are running out of time to send something to japan and you don't know japanese and no one wants to help you figure it out..I'm not in a bad mood..nope..no bad mood at all

    what also makes the vid funny is that izuru does the dance too>_<
  4. Raykaida
    Hmm sense a little sarcasm there.....

    are you trying to return something?

    i loved the dancing......haha......mad!

    Oh....I think my tv just decided to crash out on me >_<
  5. kumakun
    lol only a little?
    inabee has appeard so its all good now...bad mood has flown away

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  6. Bemused Dreamer
    Bemused Dreamer
    Er, kinda late to say this, but no. I never thought you beat people up, kumakun XD I just had the feeling that you would make sure they knew if they were bothering you. Which is good. Better than keeping it all inside until one day you explode -___-;

    Gin's face at the end, priceless XD
  7. kumakun
    guys do you think I should stop talking in here and just let it go? I notice in other groups that there isn't really any talking and I was wondering what you think I should be doing here?

    lol you're right I do let them know..I don't even say anything and they know so yeah..I've been told I'm more scary silent then I am yelling

    I know..tuti<3


    this is what I got

    Your rainbow is shaded violet.

    What is says about you: You are a creative person. You appreciate beauty and craftsmanship. You are patient and will keep trying to understand something until you've mastered it.

    Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.
  8. kumakun
    does anyone know where I can download hana yori dango subbed?I'm having issues..oh and I mean the live action one..I've seen the anime..I saw it a long time ago but...I wanna see the live action
  9. izumeseijin
    here's the fansub group: http://www.sars-fansubs.com/
    the releases are either through bittorent or irc.
  10. kumakun
    I love you -_-
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