aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    Heheh I wouldnt say that, your honest enough to admit what you'd do and then go thru with it whereas I'd just think the bad things and slowly drive myself crazy by never expressing myself plus I still believe that karma will be hunting me down
  2. kumakun
    karma kicks my ass on a daily baises -_- I dunno I mean I scare people into not fighting with my...I've been told I give off the same aura as vegeta when mad so umm yeah I guess I can be scary...tho I honestly don'y like it at all...
    I need sleep..I look like gaara..someone actually said that to me -_- <3 gaara tho

    also I have to say that now since I've been using kuma as my name for like..2-3 years or whatever that everytime I read the name in a fic it freaks me out and on top of that ...if any of you were to see me on the street and yelled kuma I would answer
  3. kumakun
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    I clicked them Looking forward to finding out what he looks like
  5. Bemused Dreamer
    Bemused Dreamer
    B'aww. It always makes me feel all happy and warm inside when I'm remembered by people <3 And hopefully I won't be going off into the abyss anytime soon >.>

    But uh, yeah. Grades were already posted, and I didn't do too bad, so... :3 Luckily the classes I took were easy, so lots of room for me to slack and procrastinate. Oh, I see such dark days ahead of me if I let this go on -____-

    Ah. I think I deal with anger/stress/annoying people the same way as sio chan... kinda. I think of all these bad things, but I never go through with them, too. And with people... I just try to avoid them as quickly and as much as possible -___-;
  6. kumakun
    lol of course I remember you ^^
    didn't do to bad thats good I procastinate so much its not even funny>.>
    lol you guys make it sounds like actually attack them or something
    DaikiChan is now level 36 and Tsuchi is now level 35^^
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    Aww sorry Kuma wasnt meaning anything like that *huggles* have clicked away so heres hoping there not that long off being hatched
    Congrats on your results Bemused Dreamer procrastinations a good thing once pressure is on you get really stressed and work harder (or is that just me?)
  8. kumakun
    I once wrote a whole report for school the day b4 it was due...got 81 out of 100 plus a bonus I think..so I don't know what my percent was...but it was 5000 words lol wasn't to bad tho I guess

    haha ok so long as you guys know I'm not going around beating the hell out of everyone I see>_<
  9. choc0dream
    How are your thinggies doing? Hatched yet while I was away? Im sorry I couldnt click on them every day >.<
    How is everyone while I was away anyway? xD
    I got soooo much chocolate out of germany! they have so many! Really cool ^________^
  10. Raykaida
    Hi everyone ^^

    Kumakun I clicked on your....um what ever they are are they going to do anything soon?

    So how has everyone been doing?
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