aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    I keep forgetting to message people back on my main page
    this computer is annoying cause I'm not used to the keyboard anymore hwfqeuhiughwioh!
    someone wanna do something simple on photoshop for me?

    also I'm just sticking these here so I don't lose them on the other page

    Click here to feed me a Star Fruit!
    Get your own at Flyffables!

    Click here to feed me a Rare Candy!
    Get your own at Pokeplushies!
  2. choc0dream
    Why don't you make a thread in the poem section alchemist (sorry for shortening your name)
    I'd love to help, but Im afraid I cant do photoshop kumakun ^^:;
    and I fed the pets again! I'm starting to feel like they;re a mascot of this page
    Ah, I'm going to busy from now on, really sorry, but I'll be back on friday - maybe thirsday! See you all soon again then! (I hope I wont miss too much)
  3. InkscrollAlchemist
    @sio chan and kuma: that's the problem. i am already working on a comicstrip for another website. if i try to make up storyboards for two comicstrips the stories will start to bled together or will have the same feel to it so i need some help developing a theme and the character traits.
  4. kumakun
    have a good week choc0dream

    well like we said we will help^^whats your other comic about so we know how to help you keep them different.
  5. kumakun
    It's 1:23 am and I'm trying to figure out what I want to do..you know..like there isn't much to do at this time of night(clubs and bars and the like are not counting..I don't need to be more awake)

    I've been reading gravitation finfics since yesterday..or no..I read one and am in the middle of another...its sort of weird of me since I tend to get a little crazy about it some characters make me want to bang my head aganst the wall in the manga..but I seem to like them in fanfiction since alot of other people have the same issues and change the things that piss me off about them so they aren't as bad...yep...that was a ramble about nothing really...I really am in a strange mood...also I feel like flailing around my room for awhile and then dig out my band of brothers to watch..while switching to bleach half way through...really I don't know what I want to do I am way to awake-___-

    takashi talks about/hints at tuti in his blog as much as I say it on here....hes trying to kill his fangirls...thats the only conclusion I've found

    what have you guys done this weekend?
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hey Band of Brothers is a classic but whenever I start watching I end up having to see the entire series (or as much of it as possible) in one sitting ... its thats good I havnt actually read any gravi fanfics but I kinda like the manga and the anime although I've not read any of the second season stuff ... my weekend consisted of mediating an argument between my brother and his ex (dont quite know how that happened!) and going to a body and soul fair I love them you get to see and smell lots of "alternative" herbs/ oils/cosmetics massage and healings along with all the wicca paintings and books and precious stone jewelary I had a shiatsu massage, a hand massage and a faith healing ... it was fantastic! I felt very zen after it all but today kinda sucked my boss told me that I'm being moved to a different team and dept because I work the wrong shifts and I took some level of abuse from a horrible customer who because I wasnt telling him what he wanted to hear refused to acknowledge what I was telling him (although it was all correct and legal) after 20 mins and asking him twice not to shout at me all the while maintaining my temper and composure he then spoke to my supervisor who told him EXACTLY what I had just said to him but he was laughing and joking and happy and perfectly nice to her grrr searching for my zen to come back
  7. kumakun
    I keep thinking my cell phone is ringing and its not o_O
    yeah I like to watch the whole way through to but I was in an odd sort of mood where I knew I wanted to watch bleach too
    I have all the mangas and the two novels *is a geek* and the first mnaga from ex but I hate it..I don't like the mangas or the anime so much..for the reasons I said down there..yet I read it anyways I guess its cause I see the characters for who they could be in my head or whatever..

    I need your zen from the weekend too -_-

    I dislike people like that..who don't listen when your telling them something but acknowledge someone else who says it right after you...thats why I don't have the kind of job...I would be in jail for assult by now -_-
  8. Bemused Dreamer
    Bemused Dreamer
    Oh man, I feel so... lost coming back here after so long. I don't even know why I haven't been on for so long D:

    Finished finals last week, so I was finally able to come home for the winter break Which will mainly consist of me being a lazy slug in the comforts of my freezing room <3 (and maybe, MAYBE, hopefully, doing some art -___-)

    How've you guys been? Er, sorry, I'm a bit too lazy and I think my attention span's too short to read through the backlog of posts from the time I was gone .____.;
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    @ kuma hahah Yeah I manage to get rid of my aggression by stepping away from the customer headset and depending on how bad said customer was wishing various horrible things upon them probably not a good thing and I know that karma will be hunting for me but what the hey *shrugs*
    @ bemused Dreamer hello I'm well your break sounds ideal how did your finals go? when is it you get the results?
  10. kumakun
    holy crap Bemused Dreamer is alive! I haven't seen you in forever!
    I thought you were one of the people who came and went...its nice to have you back here for a little while\(^_^)/
    my questions are the same as sio chans ^^

    sio chan you are a better person then I am -_-
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