aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    thats a sweet little poem you have there choc0dream
    yeah tombstones don't bother me at all...I just want them to hatch*nods*

    I have problems with my computer all the time:/
  2. InkscrollAlchemist
    @Kuma: I hate when it happens though.
  3. kumakun
    yeah so do I

    anyone in here know japanese? I need someone to translate for me...inabee used to do it b4 she moved anyways I know theres a thread for translating but I wanted to ask in here first since I know-ish you guys
  4. InkscrollAlchemist
    @Kuma: No, though I want someone to teach me...
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    @kuma sorry dont know Japanese at all although I would love to learn ^^
    @ghostlyhuant I suppose your right tombstones arent really scary but they can be sad for the ones left behind to view them...
    @choc0 thankyou for the poem glad your ok
  6. kumakun
    I guess I'll just send tuti the same birthday post card as takashi..no I'm not being crazy..someone is making him a scrapbook present for his birthday..just to show him he has fans all over the world takashi thanked us on his blog for making his...tho all the credit really goes to fencer*nods*
  7. choc0dream
    I dunno japense either ^^:; sorry kumakun >.<
    Ah, dun thank me ^^;; I was thanking you guys ^^
    i'm glad most of my computer problems are gone >.< hope it'll get better with you guys. cuz I know it totally sucks >.<
  8. InkscrollAlchemist
    @everyone: I'll start posting a couple of poems here myself. I need ideas for a new comic strip I started. Please.....anyone??
  9. kumakun
    we will be happy to help
    my other computer wont let me on and I'm getting kinda pissed
    don't forget to feed daikichan and tsuchi^^
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    @InkscrollAlchemist whats your strip about? Second Kumakun we would all be happy to help
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