aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. choc0dream
    aww, sio chan >.< it sounds all really annoying. I hope you'll make it through all this and stay yourself >.< It would be really sad if you did what they say and loose who you are!
    You have snow already izumeseijin> *jealous* Maybe there won't be any snow at all this year, or wet snow that fades withing a day. Like last year, and the year before, and before that... I want snow back >.<
    FIFTY????? you're kiddin' right? We have so much more to go then! Post them everywhere!!! xD they need to hatch soon. Is it really so hard to find 35 weirdo's on this sight to just click for a sec? >.< I clicked again of course, but if Im the only one doing it every day, it's gonna take really looooooooonng <.<
  2. kumakun
    lol I have snow too..since izume are from the same place ^^
    yeah fifty for the egg and if we don't get it hatched by a certain amount of time it can die...lol I'm seriously thinking about posting it on my main page and then asking people to click the damn thing just so it wont die...the other one I had..also named daiki chan died...had a tombstone with his name on it and everything

    the pokeball is supposed to open on a certain date but I don't know it...

    ok like the loser I am I put them on my page..I feel so lame..*hides under rock*
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    Not a loser! I clicked to so hopefully if we all chip in a click once a day we'll get there! We couldnt let them die that would be kinda depressing especially since his name would be on the tombstone shudder!
    aww thank you choc0dream I feel like I'm complaining about it too much but its allright I think they just want me to be happy in ways and methods that they understand *shrugs* Im lucky in a way and really getting annoyed in another way :P ah well
  4. choc0dream
    I'm here again. I feel so sad and blue and depressed and *oh* today (_ _) can't really help it, but maybe I cried half my time away now, I wish it was over. Today. But then again, I'll probably have the same tomorrow.
    It's really no problem sio chan ^^ you can always pm me if you wanna talk about it even more xP I'll listen ^^
    And we really won't let your thinggies (whatever they're gonna be) die kumakun! the tombstone is scary >.<
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    Are you ok choc0? whats today that lead to crying? hope your allright? I appreciate the offer but I'm allright honest But your right tombstones are scary
  6. Ghostlyhaunt
    Sio chan: Reading back about your predicament with your family's current view, you're not the only one a family does this too.. Mines the same way.. 'get out more, stay home more, widen your friends circle' 'not those friends..they're bad for you'.. blah blah blah.. it's all meant for the good in some twisted parental unit philosophy.. and tombstones are not scary.. they are like memories, windows to the past..
  7. kumakun
    choc0dream whats going on? I hope your ok..when/if you wanna talk about it we'll be around
  8. choc0dream
    Clicked on the eggs/pokebal again xD I'm doing fine today ^^ I sometimes I those days that I dun feel well ^^:; but it ends the next morning and sometimes earlier
    Nothing really going on though. Most of the time it's just me being bored and suddenly feeling lonely and with my mad imagination I can make everything worse
    Actually, ghostlyhaunt, the way you say it like that, reminds me of my own parents, they do it too. Although I've been spared a preach for quite some time now
    I always feel really sad and calm when I go to graveyards, but I wouldnt want to walk around there at night *is that kind of scardycat* but having kumakuns pets turn out to be gravestones would be scary >.< especially since we're working that hard to click every day xD
  9. choc0dream
    I promised a poem btw ^^:; I made it yesterday, thinking of you guys, so ^^:;

    Thank you
    I can't even express it
    those words
    and make them sound right
    THANK you
    I want to show you
    how grateful I am
    Thank YOU
    I can't explain
    how special you are
    the sweet things you do
    I hope you understand
    cuz there is no other way
    To say I'm grateful you exist

    hope you like it ^^:;
  10. InkscrollAlchemist
    @ Everyone: I had problems with the computer.
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