aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    see we've gotten 2 new memebers since I said we had four? new memebers...no one is talking -_-
  2. choc0dream
    I feeded them again, but still no change! and still no winner! xD
    I have no idea what you're talking about when you say tuti all the time ^^:;
    well, you're really good at keeping this going kuma-kun, but sometimes a bit alonely ^^:; I'll post as much as I can too though! ^^
    Maybe I should think of something to say too >.< but I'm more of a reply-er than a starter of a conversation xP
    Maybe... how was your day? or: what was the weirdest candy you last ate? xD I ate some maiscorncandy or something, really weird xP but it was nice too! ^^ just dun eat to much xP
  3. kumakun
    yeah I fed them again too one day they will change..one day..
    well the only reason I talk about tuti/takashi/pnish so often is because thats usually what I'm looking at when on here..takashi updates his blog all the time and lately its been a little more telling then usual..anyways tuti is short for tsuchiya..he nicknamed himself tuti so yep..hes an actor..he played oishi in prince of tennis and gin in the bleach musicals and hes a memeber of pnish http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=1Qqb9az3gF4

    don't worry about not talking alot..sometimes we hit a dry spell and nothing goes and other times we have great big chats..just depends on how busy people are

    I don't remember what the last candy I had was...I don't eat alot of candy
    and my days are always the same sadly but I welcome others to talk about their days
  4. choc0dream
    don't you ever sleep kuma? ^^ you reply me so fast @.@
    hehe, I'm taking hours for this post already and I still dunno what to say ^^;;
    Maybe I should just shut up till I have something usefull to say. Maybe I know something usefull though!

    You can't loose what you've already lost

    Ah, some wisdom I found somewhere I have a notebook in which I write a lot of 'wisdoms' I find. I also have a notebook for thoughts. And a notebook (bigger) for poetry, actually a few for those. I have a notebook for schoolwork and all. I have three notebooks (or four?) for stories I write (or only started and then stopped again). I have millions more notebooks for any kind of ****. I really love notebooks (what is up with me doing those everywhere?? xD)
    YAY!! I filled a post xP
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello thankyou for the points izumeseijin! I feel bad taking the points for the sudoku since I just like doing them so maybe I'll wait and see if anyone else wants to have a go?
    I've clicked on your pokeplushies twice so far and no change maybe if we all keep trying kumakun? I would talk about my day but its mainly always the same and I dont want to bore people with the same rant day after day (at the moment I'm still dealing with the family trying to "fix" me thing which you've all heard about allready) although something new a memeber of my family has apparently set me up on a gay dating web site and a straight dating web site because clearly the best way to resolve my perceived issues is a relationship or a fling whichever happens first(!) grr
    @ choc0dream I envy you, you ability to write poetry I could never do it and I always wanted to, would be interested to read some of your poems
    So how is everyone?
  6. choc0dream
    I have no idea about your, ahmm, problems sio chan ^^:; but I hope everything will turn out fine! ^^
    Ah, my poetry isn't that great, and I only mentioned that I have a notebook for it, not that I write in it xD I haven't had that much inspiration lately xP But, I do still write a little of course. Maybe I'll open up a poetrythread for my poetry xD who knows?
    Maybe I could post a short one here xP here goes:
    Cookies all night long
    C'mon y'all get eating
    and sing this F*cking......................... MELODY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (I didnt say that f-word o.o and it says melody, because "song" is supposed to rhyme xD the whole joke of the song, it actually has this rythm-songish-thinggie to it ^^;; eheh, hope you like it anyway ^^:; *suddenly embarrased*)
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    Cookies poems are allways good
    Since you dont and wont be bored by my rant eheh: Some of my family members have decided that Im depressed, lonely, buring my unhappiness in wasting my money on sci fi books and fandoms. I also apparently lack ambition and I am also apparantly sexually confused as well as being sexually frustrated ... they believe I need to get new friends, get a new job, move out on my own, travel more, and have a relationship/ purely physical fling and be like all the other happy 20 somethings out there ... grr rant I am now over protesting and am choosing to ignore it in the hopes that they'll get bored and move on to a new "project" in all fairness it's not really a problem and I do realise that it comes from a good place they are only trying to help in a crazy mad way that only my family could achieve and I know that it will eventually stop because there own lives will become more interesting but at the moment there all about disecting mine *shrugs* ahh well
  8. izumeseijin
    I had an art book where every time I drew something I would also write a quote on the back. I just like quotes. I also have a book of quotes.
    Here's one quote about abstinence: The only way for a rich man to be healthy is by exercise and abstinence, to live as if he were poor. (William Temple)

    Right now my parents are focused on the second son of the family. He's had off and on relationships with a lot of girls that even I pity him AND the girls he dated with. Although being the only daughter it will only be a matter of time before they pressure me to start dating XP .....But I'm still studying! I think it's hard to focus on studies when a relationship takes a lot of energy and dedication. Maybe when I have a job/career... Maybe.

    It is snowing It's not a blizzard but just light snow falling on the ground. Very nice ^^

    BUMP (since it's been like 2 days, you can also answer this if you know it, sio chan)
    Trivia: In Katekyo Hitman Reborn, who is the chairman of the discipline committee? (100 points)
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    *feels sheepish* I dont know the answer to the trivia question I'm obvoiusly reading the wrong mangas! Sorry! at the mo' I'm working my way thru my sci-fi books and havnt read/ bought any new manga in ages sorry
  10. kumakun
    nope I never sleep
    ah guys talk around me.I'm not really here..
    thanx for clicking them tho..I wanna see what they are damn it!they hatch at 50!

    Click here to feed me a Star Fruit!
    Get your own at Flyffables!

    Click here to feed me a Rare Candy!
    Get your own at Pokeplushies!
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