aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    sudoku answer:
    826 793 154
    517 248 963
    349 165 782

    273 459 618
    498 612 537
    165 387 249

    954 821 376
    631 974 825
    782 536 491

    I know how you feel kumakun all of my friends are getting married, engaged, living together or having kids ... plus the majority of the people I went to school with have had a couple of kids already whereas I am still exactly where I was no wonder my families bugging me *shrugs* I just bought my first ever cards yesterday I got Hikaru and Akira from HnG I love that series *drools*
  2. Ghostlyhaunt
    Hey all.. just popped in from my stint in reality.. it sucked.. but I'm here for the moment.. hope everyone is doing ok... waves to choc0dream..
  3. Raykaida
    Hi everyone hows it going for you all?

    I know what you mean about people you know getting married/having kids I seem to have the same problem but never mind eh?

    anyone know whats good for back pain? I slipped on a wet floor at work and jarred my lower back and pain killers arent doing anything for it >_<
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hey Raykaida! try physiotherepy I did my back in a year ago and the streatches really help, plus I know it hurts but try to walk as much as possible while standing up straight because it can help to prevent your muscles from remaining in spasim if you cant see a physio try checking a certified website from online
  5. kumakun
    I'm sorta torn between what I want.. I'm just not going tm think about it...

    Raykaida I wish I knew what could help but I don't

    sio happy to see your still playing the games and thanx for stopping by Ghostlyhaunt^^

    thanx for feeding Daikichan and Tsuchi lol

    did no one come up with a reason why a 7 year old would want dirt when they grow up?

    Click here to feed me a Star Fruit!
    Get your own at Flyffables!

    and now I have Tsuchi who is of course named after yuichi tsuchiya lol

    Click here to feed me a Rare Candy!
    Get your own at Pokeplushies!
  6. izumeseijin
    Question about those 'feed me' things. Am i just allowed to click them once (like does it register ip addresses, or something) or can i click it numerous times?

    Points sent to sio chan. Now to wait for a KHR fan
  7. kumakun
    once a day I believe...but I didn't want them to get lost on the other page...I killed my other one I just wanna see what they look like for the hell of it..they can be a mascot or something..

    oh for the love of everything I bought urahara
  8. Robee
    @kumakun: I wish I could give you advice on the 'love front'. But with my success with Men and Women; I'm definitely not the person to ask.

    I started a couple new threads and a 'WIP' for original fiction 18+ since I last posted here.

    To our new members; "Greetings!"
  9. choc0dream
    I klicked on the again kumakun ^^ and I'm still not a winner (or something) xD
    kumakun is so talkative ^^ I think you're the only one actually stalking this page ^^:;
    *waves to everyone again* thanks robee and ghostlyhaunt *-hugs-*
    kumakun? how long is gonna take for those two things to, ahmm, hatch? ^^;; I wanna see what they look like too ^^
    maybe a 7-year-old wants dirt because he can't think of anything else? ^^:; maybe he was depressed or not really mentally sane o.O Or maybe he wants to be a builder ^^ and you need dirt to, ahmm, built? ^^;; or something (_ _) *not really helpfull*
  10. kumakun
    lol well I created the group so I sorta feel like I have to watch it and keep it going..sometimes older memebers leave and I have to keep it going for the new ones thats why I'm here more then the others I think.
    I have no idea how long its going to take but it keeps saying that its going to change soon so who knows..I figure if we each click them once a day we'll find out
    but still..dirt? I'm just going to say he really was meaning tuti and not dirtI love them<3

    Robee yeah I'm just not going to bother thinking about it right now but your awesome and thanks for stopping by with your new threads

    also this is the sign that tuti decided really said takashi -_- yeah..they don't like each other..not at all...tuti sounds alot like me when I like someone lol

    I totally suck at Robees threads but some people really came up with some good stuff...so go read them and make your own \(^_~)

    this is what I said...

    lol omg guys you have some awesome ones and while I don't I am going to subscribe to this just so I can read yours for a laugh...I only wish I had a really good one to add

    I do have to say I'm surprised no one said anything from the icha icha world..
    but I guess those are way to obvious

    How to stuff your scarecrow-by Iruka Umino

    and this one is for my friend who is insanly obsessed with stormhawks
    How to understand your sky monkey -by stork

    totally lame I know but I thought I should post something and I did
Results 1741 to 1750 of 2934