aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    the answer is Yukihito Yashiro tho you don't have to give me points
  2. izumeseijin
    Since kuma didn't want the points, then I will add an extra trivia for the 3rd round. The trivia is about Full Metal Alchemist in the Medium Category (200).
    3rd round is less than 8 hours from now. Hopefully I'll be awake then. Good night! ^^

    I'm curious since it seems that no one knew the answer to the Skip Beat trivia which is a pretty popular shoujo series ^^;;
    Do you guys prefer reading shounen, shoujo or yaoi? No preference? Why?
  3. kumakun
    well I just thought that since I asked you to help me out here it would be wrong for me to take your points...yep..

    I can like almost anything so long as its a good story and I like the characters...or n some cases just like the voice actors but thats only if I'm watching it I guess^^
  4. izumeseijin
    Round 3 Start ^^

    Sudoku: Click here for link (300)

    Trivia: In the manga/anime Bleach, name 1 of the 2 shinigami who will zanpakuto that exists as a pair. (100)

    Trivia: In the manga Full Metal Alchemist, name 2 of the 4 visitors from the country of Xing. (200)
  5. izumeseijin
    I rarely read any shounen series these days. I just look forward to the new chapters and waiting for current ones to end ^^ Though I might be enticed to read a series with bishies in it
    I like shoujo and yaoi with a nice plot development. It's really too bad that they're not as famous a genre as shounen since a series rarely goes to the 100-200+ mark.
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    Yay!! thank you for changing the time but I hope it wasnt just for me? I hope I did the right
    Sudoku answer:
    938 516 742
    162 748 935
    475 239 168

    683 972 514
    219 485 673
    547 361 289

    794 623 851
    351 897 426
    826 154 397

    I like most mangas so long as there are characters and story lines that I like but I always seem to read the mangas that no one else is
  7. izumeseijin
    Round 2 ended later than expected and changing the time is good as well so others have the chance to play ^^

    Trivia: In the manga/anime Bleach, name 1 of the 2 shinigami who wield zanpakuto that exists as a pair. (100points)

    Trivia: In the manga Full Metal Alchemist, name 2 of the 4 visitors from the country of Xing. (200points)

    Talking about mangas that no one else seems to be reading, I have a long list of that ^^ (like shounen manga called Hand x Red, sports manga called Area no Kishi and Ahiru no Sora, shoujo series like Beast Master and Tokyo Crazy Paradise, which coincidentally has the same mangaka as Skip Beat)
  8. kumakun
    am I allowed to answer? *kicks stone with foot*
    someone had better get that bleach one<3

    you know in the past week we've gotten 3 new memebers and I don't know who they are...I've been waiting to see who it is but no one is saying anything
  9. izumeseijin
    Of course you are, kuma ^^
    I didn't notice new people came in. How about a word or two? Favorite color?
    Welcome to the group!

    ..What in the world is up with me lately? I've been misspelling everything >_>
  10. kumakun
    lol so have I..though I was never a good speller to start with
    last week we had 43 and now we have 47 so I guess its 4 o_O

    I'm just going to be over here in my corner until someone guesses
Results 1711 to 1720 of 2934