aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    old enough! Im 23! I dont know why family members are currently so determined on "fixing" me at this age it should be clear that Im set in my ways and all grrr
    I dont know if I can wait for 3 hours *pouts* but hopefully they'll still be some sudoku or trivia left for me to try and participate in tomorrow Im going to sleep now up for work tomorrow *yawns* nighty night all good folks here
  2. InkscrollAlchemist
    @sio chan: the sad truth is parents are out to control the minds of the stubborn Elite (aka their kids). lol. Their lives are no fun unless they can dictate ours.
  3. izumeseijin
    @inkscroll: well, i don't like calculus but I still love sudokus ^^

    Game 2 Start! (Note: Winners in Game 1 can play in the new game! Also, answers to be posted in this thread)

    Trivia: In the manga/anime Skip Beat, what is the name of Tsuruga Ren's manager? (200 points)

    Sudoku: Click here for the puzzle (400 points)

    Remember that if you answered one of the questions correctly, let someone else have a chance to answer the second question ^^
    If you’re wrong, you may try again!

    Regarding posting the sudoku answers, if you don’t want to use photoshop or mspaint then posting the numbers is fine but please make sure that there are spaces in between so that I can see the 9 blocks. Sample:
    123 456 789
    987 654 321
    123 456 789

    123 456 789
    987 654 321
    123 456 789

    123 456 789
    987 654 321
    123 456 789
  4. kumakun
    no one is going to do this?
    or maybe you are and just aren't on yet..
  5. Ghostlyhaunt
    sudoku solution: sudoku puzzle 2
  6. izumeseijin
    Just the trivia left ^^
    Question: In the manga/anime Skip Beat, what is the name of Tsuruga Ren's manager? (200 points)
  7. kumakun
    is no one going to guess? I know the answer but I'm not saying it since I got something last time

    I'm in an odd mood...I feel like I want to run around flailing about wildly..I wonder if there is something in the watero_O
  8. InkscrollAlchemist
    @kumakun: I was here I just suck at sudoku.
  9. sio chan
    sio chan
    Damn missed the comp again! grr! I think you should answer it kumakun cause I dont know the answer and I'm not sure if anyone else does?
  10. izumeseijin
    I'll try to vary the time I start a round so posting the 3rd round in 10.5 hours, regardless of the 2nd trivia being answered or not. If Ghostlyhaunt knows the answer he's free to post it as well since the 24 hour limit is up ^^

    Next trivia is from Bleach, in the Easy category (100), and the Sudoku is also in the E catgeory (worth 300)
Results 1701 to 1710 of 2934