aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    Ah Artemis thank you

    Also finding the people I used to like/not like didn't turn out so bad so I'm in a good mood tonight
  2. izumeseijin
    I'm starting the small trivia today (12 hours from now)
    Some ground rules ^^
    -One game has 2 questions: 1) Sudoku, 2) Random Trivia
    -The first person to post the correct answer here will get the points.
    -If you answered one of the questions correctly, let another member answer the second question ^^
    If you’re wrong, you may try again!
    -If no one answers the other question after one day, then the other question will be open to the one who already answered a question correctly.
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hey all so I was just wondering ... when the majority of your family believes that your lonely, depressed, unhappy does that mean its true? cause my family keep asking me about it its starting to make me wonder? izumeseijin is your trivia going to be on the social group or is it in the contest sections?
  4. Ghostlyhaunt
    sio chan: how do you feel inside.. aside from what your family tells you.. are you lonely, or feeling down? have you lost that drive to get up and get moving every day? My parents constantly inquire about my mental state. Not that I'm a nutbar or anything. They are just concerned when they notice a change in attitude or how I wander around the house with no real direction. I answered yes to most of these questions and sought help from my hippie doctor. I feel better, but I still wander around the house aimlessly. Ask yourself, how do I feel.. but don't rationalize it. Simply ask yourself the question.
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    See thats the thing ... I feel ok, I like sitting and reading a book, I like graphic novels and comics I like watching movies and I like sleeping in admittedly I would like to go out some more and be around people is always a positive thing but I dont feel unhappy bored sometimes and meandering but not sad in any way so I'm not sure why people i.e family members seem to believe I need to be "saved" from myself
  6. izumeseijin
    @sio: Have you asked your family why they think that you're lonely/depressed?

    Starting less than 3 hours from now and yes, it will be posted in this group (open only to the Shy/Thinkers Club members ^^ ). The trivia is an easy Naruto one.

    Regarding posting the sudoku answers, if you don’t want to use photoshop or mspaint then posting the numbers is fine but please make sure that there are spaces in between so that I can see the 9 blocks ^^
    123 456 789
    987 654 321
    123 456 789

    123 456 789
    987 654 321
    123 456 789
  7. Ghostlyhaunt
    sio chan: Then if you feel great.. let them know that.. Just tell them straight up. I'm ok!.. like I mentioned earlier, my parental units constantly ask me.. I simply smile, yup I'm ok.. and go out my business. Everyone has crappy days.. down in the dumps days.. it's only natural.. perhaps these are the days they only see. Only you know what's going on inside.. the rest can only speculate.
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    @ izumeseijin mainly cause I read books and comics and watch films instead of going out and drinking and having a boyfriend/ girlfriend (did I mention some family members think I'm a lesbian?) essentially they think that I'm boring and so ... *shrugs* ahh well I have proclaimed by wellness with the world to all who will listen to me so what can you do *shrugs some more*
  9. kumakun
    sio I tell everyone I'm depressed and no one really believes me..I guess its cause I'm weird about it:/ anyways

    izume thank you for trying to make things funner in here
  10. izumeseijin
    lol, I haven't even started ^^
    We'll see how the first two or three days go before seeing if it's okay to continue or not.

    edit: Hey kumakun, give me a poke through msn if i forget to start at 9:45 ^^;;
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