aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. hayenga
    um wow... yeah i agree Kuma there should be some sorta thing that says what sex you are somewhere so people are not confused.

    OH I HAVE AN IDEA! though i'm not sure how it would work in here...... NAW NEVERMIND it wouldnt work sorry, i FAIL!!!!

    *shakes head* I've been talkin to Muka to much LOL!
  2. kumakun
    I don't talk to muka so much anymore..mostly cause I'm always in a bad mood
    you know we wanna know what the idea was o_O
    of course we could always write what sex we are in sigs but I never have room..guess I could have it put on a set tho

    what does this say? おやすみなさいまし。

    I enjoy hugh laurie http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=hNoS2BU6bbQ <3
    have anyone seen the hey jude vid he did?lol kills me when the really high better happens..you know where they go better better better..yeah..I'll look for the vid
  3. Ghostlyhaunt
  4. kumakun
    thats most likely what it is
  5. kumakun
    from now on when I want a laugh I'm going to watch old hugh laurie stuff like this http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=7p-AmM...eature=related and also tuti and eiji kill me in this http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=0wjZ84q0Rq8
  6. izumeseijin
    Finally got ahold of a computer that can read japanese ^^ Yes, おやすみなさいまし does say 'Oyasuminasaimashi'. I know 'oyasuminasai' means 'good night', though i wouldn't know what would happen by adding 'mashi'.

    After my tests i thought of posting trivia questions in the group and handing out points to members who got them correct. Though i don't know if this is allowed?

    Are you having more sets made, kumakun?
  7. Ghostlyhaunt
    Kuma have you watched the 'Black Adder' hugh laurie is in that too. classic BBC shows
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    I love Black Adder its right up there with Monty Python Classic comedy at its finest
  9. kumakun
    lol yeah I watched a bunch of stuff years ago not figuring out it was him till the other day house is a fan of black adder ^^

    yeah dragonkat made me two sets and eiri made me andother one ..so now I have 4 tuti/takashi sets <3

    I think he was going to sleep..he looked tired anyways so thanks for the help
    also sounds like a good idea izume
  10. Ghostlyhaunt
    lets see: black adder, are you being served, faulty towers(sp), there was one with two Irish priests on island (can't remember the name). Then of course there was all the mystery shows on BBC..
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