aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Raykaida
    Hi everyone how's it going?

    Love having a day off work ^^
  2. kumakun
    you know what I was just wondering..how come some people get like 20 cards from their wish list even tho they are new and have only just joined? I know I give points and cards to random people from time to time but seriously how come some people get all the cards they want in like one day?
  3. Raykaida
    Umm no idea?
  4. kumakun
    someone write a funny haiku..or something cause its dead in here..
  5. hayenga
    Haiku's are easy
    But sometimes they dont make sense

    lol there i had too! yes and I'm okish Kuma have a crao ton going on. How are you?
  6. kumakun
    good to have you back my friend!
    I keep trying to get my friend to write me one but she won't..mean of her isn't it? I wrote her like 5

    I'm alright..same old same old..you know me

    I think somewhere in your info thing it should say if you are a boy or girl or whatever cause sometimes its hard to tell..esp if its someone like me who has kun in their name..tho I've been told I don't sound like a guy so yeah but you guys know what I mean right?

    like your name should be pink or blue depending so people who have crazy long siggys are able to say
  7. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hey all just droping in to say Hi and see how your all doing havnt been on for the last week or so and I hope your all well
  8. kumakun
    I had a huge thing written out but I lost my connection so its gone..oh well I'm sure it wasn't that interesting anyways

    does anyone know who left?

    and we should think of something fun to do to cheer this place up!
  9. Raykaida
    Hi ^^
    So what did you have in mind? A game or something?
  10. kumakun
    yeah if someone can think of something my brain isn't working right now so I'm of no help

    I got another new set
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