aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Ghostlyhaunt
    Raykaida: wild turkey 101 is bourbon.. it'll let you forget sooner than tequila, though the initial burning will let you know what you just drank.
  2. kumakun
    I'm very hot headed and I know it..but theres just something about people not getting pairings I like that just sets me off into a bad mood ya know..I suck
  3. izumeseijin
    Oh I don't mind snow. But then wind is blowing at over 30km/hr and it;s just october... >_<
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hi all I havnt been too active the last couple of days and I'm just dropping by to say hi I'm having some major unhappy family stuff happening in RL and I need to deal but I'm here to get my mind off it for just a little while ... thank you for the tea suggestion Uthena but your right I couldn't mix it with the meds Im on but I do take hot lemon and honey to help sooth my throat
  5. Artemis Moonsong
    Artemis Moonsong
    kuma ~ Well everybody knows how passionate I am about MY pairings So I feel your pain. How can they just not GET some of these?!
  6. Raykaida
    Bourbon huh? I think I might pass.......i'm too much of a lightweight.......although that could be a good thing ^^

    Kumakun what pairings are you talking about?

    Sio chan hope your doing ok *hugs*
  7. kumakun
    Artemis your still looking in^^ lol yeah I knowand did you see someone is doing Ren/Bya? she knew it was Ren/Bya but said Bya/Ren in the thread..she said it backwards but anyways..theres someone else who like it

    sio..I hope you're alright

    izume did you get your thing done for school?

    Raykaida lol well when people say they don't understand Kakashi/Iruka pairing I tend to get a little "how do you not see it?" but for them its more about how they would be good together and not so much whats in the show or manga (I have seen the newer chapters so I'm happy as are the other fans of the pairing)
    I dunno I was on my Zuko/Sokka kick again..which seems really weird but I like it so whatever^^
  8. Raykaida
    KakashixIruka!! I love that pairing it's sooo lovely *lost in happy thoughts*

    *snaps out of it* Zuko/Sokka huh? Actually that works for me too ^^ so I don't think it's weird at all opposites attract and all that kind of thing although all the fanfics ive read are Zuko/Aang

    Oh drat I just realised that I posted the names in the thread for my new fanfic round the wrong way............Nooo I can't change it now T-T
  9. izumeseijin
    Yes my thing was done. Have I mentioned that I have recently become addicted to coffee? I need it to stay awake for lectures (I always feel drowsy during afternoon lectures and then the profs would say important info for the single ONE second that I wasn't paying attention and I would miss it >_< So coffee helps a lot)
  10. kumakun
    Raykaida you can't change the title or something else?
    well zuko and sokka made me laugh esp when zuko first joined and sokka was doing this

    izume good happy to hear you got it done
    I love the smell of coffee but I can't drink it at all..which I guess is good cause I don't need to be more awake :/

    this morning I was looking at different channels and I noticed that Reboot was on teletoon retro...reboot is retro?well now I feel old
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