aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    lol yeah I'm still in a good mood I'm freakishly happy actually..I dunno whats going on

    I do wish nayru would update her fic tho..I need to read more
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    Yay for being happy is there such a thing as being freakishly so? ... I'm kinda doped up on penicillian and I'm shattered all the time but I'm getting there (kinda I refuse to admit to being ill it'll get in my way ) Raykaida you should try quicksilverscreen.com they have all kinds of old catoons (and movies) that you can watch without downloads (some kind of streaming video) I watched the Moomins the other day, does anyone remember that? Thank you for the kind thoughts everyone >.< *hugs*
  3. Raykaida
    Hi ^^
    I don't think there is such a thing as being freakishly happy, although my friends tell me that if I'm in a really good mood I go all hyper :P I' m not sure what they mean by that!

    Thanks for the tip Sio chan I'll be sure to go check it out, but yes!! I remember the Moomins ^^ I even have a cuddly toy one In fact I think I still have it somewhere
  4. uthena
    for those who have the cold try hot cinnamon tea, with 2 lemons, honey 1 aspirin and a shot of tequila!!! is really good !! only before to go to sleep and you will feel better in the morning, dont try if you have medications !! like penicillian (not good for sio chan!) get well.
  5. Yukikuma
    @raykaida: my hometown is The Netherlands, Rotterdam, Europe.. :P to be precise..!
  6. izumeseijin
    Toronto, Canada, and it already snowed >_<
  7. Ghostlyhaunt
    Afternoon all, Uthena, that drink sounds similar to a hot totty, though I'm not a tea drinker, any tea that clears the sinuses, a lemon to sooth the throat, honey for sweetener and a shot of wild turkey 101.
  8. Raykaida
    Wild Turkey?? what is that?

    Hi everyone how are you all doing?

    izumeseijin- you already got snow? it never snows here we just get lots of rain and slush it's not nice
    and i caught a cold but i don't think i want to try cinnamon tea, i don't drink any hot drinks, does that make me strange :/
  9. uthena
    wild turkey? is whisky? I&#180;m not sure, and you forget the aspirin!! the secret is the tequila you just forget that you are with a cold!!( just a joke), you will feel better thats all and have rest. the hot tea is because you sweat and hi your temperature :>
  10. kumakun
    I feel like a lurker or something..guess I haven't been to chatty lately..anyways izume I want more snow <3
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