aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. kumakun
    ok I'm going to do this if enough people want me to and I'm actually allowed to do it I'm thinking that I would do rank missions same as in naruto with the highest rank of A getting 1000 points when the mission is done..lowest would be D rank and worth 100 points..well thats what I'm thinking anyways..what would make a mission hard would be that each memeber of the team would have to find an answer and tell me with in a set amount of time...I'm thinking about this and working out the kinks so I'd like it if no one took this idea from me even tho I doubt the people in here would because you've all supported me when I was down...and if someone did it would be obvious because this would still be written here..I hope that I'm allowed to do this... one because it would be fun..two because it is sorta sucky to not have points when you wanna get something...three because its a way to make new friends (because teams will not be picked by you)

    I think it will end up with this version of the game and not the more complex version I had earlier

    oh and I'm also thinking I might not do the exam thing tho that would be fun..tho if this did catch on a chunin test would be interesting..
  2. Mifeman
    @kumakun: What a great idea!!! Teams searching for an answer... I like it And as you say, a great way to meet new people. Just as question... What would the missions be? Questions to be answered? And about the answer, the members of one team, can discuss among themselfs the answer to be given or not?
  3. kumakun
    well harder questions might be a word missing from a yaoi manga, whose sig pic/ava is this and or maybe who made this sig pic..(like eiri made mine but I would remove her name from it b4 I asked), and maybe something like a word puzzle..3 questions..one for each member...ya you can work together like they do in naruto..but each member would have to post one answer so it would be easy for me to rep and give pointsI kinda want it to be a long running thing so people could get points easier like I said..so there could be a limit of one mission per team a week and depending on the rank a time limit
    I guess people would just have to pay attention to details around the forum to get the answers for A ranks

    it sort of sounds like the aarinconest thats going on right now but easier depending on a mission rank...a few people have said they would help me and I might ask different people for different things sometimes...like unsteady and her help for anagrams
  4. Mifeman
    I like your idea a lot!!! I really think it's a cleaver and ingenious idea for a contest... I'm not particularly talented in anything , but if there is something i could to help, feel free to tell me
  5. kumakun
    really? thanx alot
    I still wanna have a kabuto type profile for each team just to make it be more narutoie?and cute
  6. shattered
    wow cool kumakun! it sounds really exciting! i'll help out if you need any
  7. Bai Lan
    Bai Lan
    Hi dear Kuma - chan, I just stopped by to say Hi for now, and as soon as possible i am going to read all the posts here to be able to understand better this social group (by the way I joined awhile ago so it will be good for me to read everything and be able to help with something)
  8. kumakun
    I'm happy you guys seem to like it and I'm happy I asked about it on here first...see this group is good for these things..

    shattered I'd be happy for the help I wanna call it something like the missions room or something like on naruto..not sure yet tho

    loveless_ar hey no worries everything is somewhat good now
  9. Bai Lan
    Bai Lan
    Hello to all of you guys – Kumakun (thanks for the great idea that created this social group), Mifeman, Dealla, Kyubi_Uchiha, AlishaCatherina, Manius, Aki – chan, Coz, Makiyuki, aIshiRoi, ArtemisMS, Cronomage389, Dead by Midnight, Deandraquin, Dragonblood, Ele, Fallenazazel, Inabee, Kinitsu, Lent, Marcy Jade, Mars179, Nekogal, RageChan_TheYaoiFan, RueDauphin, Schetenei, Schiz, Shattered, Sujasmine, Tenjou, Unsteady. Now, I know some of you and others I don’t but I will still introduce myself as another thinker. However, I am not shy at all. For many years I was like that but then I understood that it is too difficult to be somebody if you don’t try to speak your mind. Now, it is easier to talk on forums but still there’s a barrier as some of you said. Anyway, since I don’t care if I will receive bad reputation (and I did received some really bad comments and people tried to argue with me by telling me my opinion was wrong) or if I will annoy someone, I am not afraid of posting my opinions. Well, I have my bad moments too – I am sarcastic and skeptic. I joke around and some of the jokes are pretty rough, so it helps when I use some lines like: “I am not trying to offend anyone…”, etc…What gets on my nerves though, is one people I like are treated badly, so like I told my dear friend Kuma – chan I am her knight in shining armor and I don’t mind being one for all of you guys. Now, some of you might say who is she to do this and why is she doing this – to be repped, to gain something?? No, no…I really want to please the shy kid locked inside me – a selfish reason but I am sure you will understand me…What more I can say, oh, yeah – I never reread my posts or revise them, with the exception of my stories. Simply because when I write them the way they come to my mind, they seem to be more honest. Also, I assured myself that with the exception of a few, all Aarin members are really cute and understanding, so when I receive a critic or someone correct me, I don’t mind it and take it as a friend’s advice. I rise above this shyness issue because I really feel that I have the right to say my opinion. The thing that could annoy me or make me angry is when somebody tells me that I am not right. It is called opinion because there isn’t right or wrong, right? So, you too should start posting what you feel you want to post and don’t delete your thoughts. We are missing some really interesting thoughts and opinions (sorry for the repetition of words – it doesn’t look or sound good but I am too lazy to think of synonyms). And at the end, if you are wondering why the hell I am here since I am not shy (and maybe be I don’t seem to think sometimes), I will tell you that it is because I like the idea of the social group, I like the people I know that are part of the group, I support Kuma – chan and you guys, I support the right to be open minded, and it is because it’s something new. And...well, everyone needs a knight in shining armor (at least I want to be useful ), so....
  10. MisakiTsuki
    Hello everyone. ^_^
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