aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. Raykaida
    Haha you were weirder before? Oooh you sound like a lot of fun ^^
    I can be pretty random myself, I have to talk my self out of posting junk!!
    gaku hate huh? haven't tried it is it that good?
    But talking of posting junk I just posted the first part of my fanfic *cringes* I wonder if its to late to go back and delete it
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hey Kumakun! youve changed you avi! its so cute are you doing anything to help you sleep? *hugs* so I took your quiz and ...
    needs money ~ yup I do
    looks like a drunken faerie ~ okay
    says picking a tense is more tortuesous than picking a bathing suit ~ huh?
    wants money ~ I get it Im skint
    does a cover of keane spiralling ~ not really a keane fan to be honest
    hates contact sports ~ not true I love rugby
    asks how Pete is doing ~ umm whos pete?
    goes Scottish ~ not hard seeing as I am Scottish ...
    likes her sound sweet and crunchy.~ ummm I not sure I follow ...
    eats rocks ~ like the fizzy sweets that blow up in your mouth?
    wears some pretty saucy underwear ~ no comment
    was arrested for vandalism ~ does writing your name on a school desk when your 12 count? thats the closed I've come to vandalism *shrugs*
  3. kumakun
    whats your fanfic about?

    well I can be worse if I haven't been sleeping at all so by monday there should be some crazy **** in here
    well I like gaku hate cause I'm so into the guys..I guess you have to like them to like gaku hate
    post whatever junk you want its all good..I do it all the time as you know

    sio we posted at the same time thanks for doing that I love some of your results and yep I got a new set..tuti and takashi of course..they are <3 after all \(^o^)/
    "likes her sound sweet and crunchy" I'm lost on that one too:/
    and pete..well lets just say its peter tork for the fun of it...atleast you don't do spongebob..thats just so wrong>.>
  4. sio chan
    sio chan
    maybe its like when you walk on snow? "sweet and crunchy" snow is crunchy and I guess it can be sweet to watch people playing in snow... hmm brain boggler
    allthough doing Spongebob is creepy I never really understood why he was so popular with folk ah well gave me a giggle anyways heheh Peter tork from the Monkees? I would ask him how he was doing
  5. Raykaida
    Its an Allen/Kanda fanfic, I love that pairing ^^

    Sleep deprivation huh? Thats awful, try counting sheep? or aromatherapy?

    Spongebob should be banned, just my opinion but it's awful especially when my little cousin is here and insists on watching it, bleh!
  6. sio chan
    sio chan
    I know Spongebob *shiver* I maintain creepy!
    childrens cartoons are no-where near as good now *I feel old having just said that* there are younger people (16 - 18) that I chat to and they have no idea who Count Duckula or Bunny O'hare was now there where cartoons!
  7. Raykaida
    Oohh Count Duckula! I used to watch that ^^
    and what about Dangermouse I used to love that and Thundercats......and He-Man.....and now i'm the one feeling old
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    Raykaida! my lost cartoon sould mate *huggles* I loved Thundercats and He-Man the original not the lousy re-make sure the animation looked more impressive but the soul of the cartoon was lost for ever! Dangermouse OMG! Do you remember the Tin-Tin cartoon? How about Secret Squirrel? Heheh lost in my memories of catoons past *blissy eyed*
  9. izumeseijin
    Lol, I can still remember He-Man and the female version She-ra (spelling?)
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    she-ra was fun it was meant to be like an empowering for girls thing and yet she was swathed in pink and the "men folk" and He-Man always came to rescue or to help out with her sacred quest and all that ... yay for blatent underhand sexisim!
Results 1571 to 1580 of 2934