aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. suetlana
    can't have children? Do enlighten me~ Ah, you have a dog. I want a cat as pet~ But I don't think I'm able to care for it. So it's just me and my computer...
  2. sio chan
    sio chan
    @ suetlana if there was some boyxboy action in the senario it still would have upset me at the time cause of the betrayal, my bf, someone I really cared about and had known for a really long time lied to me and my boyfriend at the time(for all we only officially went out for 2 weeks) I had spent months liking an getting to know mislead me ... in a way it was the loss of friendship and trust that hurt the most ... then I would have come to exactly the same conclusion as I did the originally and decide that they were better off together leaving me out of it (I came to this conclusion about a week after finding out)
  3. Raykaida
    Hi everyone How was your days?

    I've given up on men for the time being.......I don't think my sanity would last much longer otherwise That's kind of depressing isn't it >_<
    But I do have a dog......he's a mongrel and kind of cute when he's not barking at stupid o'clock in the morning when it's my day off!!
    I really should be studying for my management course that's coming up soon ( I don't want to do it >_<)
  4. kumakun
    it feels weird when I don't talk in here but I'm a bit loopy so I won't be around for awhile lol its also weird when new people come cause the old leave and the dynamic of the group changes..its good tho..I like meeting new people but then I have to figure out how to chat with the new people I love you all tho!
  5. Ghostlyhaunt
    early morning to all. suetlana, so chan
  6. suetlana
    Hello peoples, how are you? I'm okay, work is as always.

    Ghostlyhaunt, good morning to you! You just got back from work is it?

    Sio chan, yeah. I understand. I would hurt, of course. Betrayal is one thing that I can't compromise. As well as unfaithfulness...Those two things are...saddening!

    kumakun, it would be lonely here without you....do come and visit when you feel a little better. Ah~ I wonder what happen to others...

    Raykaida, that is one cute dog! *pat pat* I haven't been through the breaking up part yet like you and sio...but I'm not looking forward to it though >_<. I guess it took some guts to fall in love when you never know how it would end.... ah, and good luck for management course~~
  7. Ghostlyhaunt
    yes my previous post was from when I returned home from work. And here it is only a couple hours later and I'm awake again.

    Breaking up is in my experience the easiest part of a soured relationship, what is the most difficult to do is to let go. So many aspects of today's society puts emphasis on togetherness that little reminders pop up all over the place to in effect remind us of what we lost.

    dear sio chan, betrayal, lies, broken trust, tragic. I'm sorry that had to happen. This may sound rather harsh or cold hearted, but it is a rule that I've lived by since I was young (when dirt was first discovered). When any one of those things have occurred in a relationship it is best to cut ties and never look back, never forgive, and remove them from your thoughts. When I divorced my wife, she had a bf on the side while we were still married. I have all but pretended that she doesn't even exist to me anymore.
  8. sio chan
    sio chan
    aww *mass hugs* you guys are so nice! but seriously I was 16 (longer ago than I would like to admit) and it was a short lived relationship I got over it quickly, it was more the lost of my friend that bugged me, but I do appreciate the kind thoughts and words *feeling all misty eyed*
    @ghostlyhaunt, *hugs* youve been thru the relationship wringer really havnt you? I cant even pretend to understand what you've been thru but I hope it helps to talk about it... sounds cliched but sometimes that can help, but I agree the break up part of relationships is always the easiest (sometimes most emotionally cutting) having watched many friends/ family members relationships fall apart the hardest aspect is actually communicating together You must work some crazy long hours though!
    @Kumakun I hope your getting better! I hope that its not because of the new members that the older are leaving? ...I credit this group with my "aarin" resserection activities! and I've made so many friends just from this group *loves it here*
  9. kumakun
    I took something so I'm not as bad at the moment
    lol well alot of people leave because of all the talking..they don't want to go away come back and find 5 pages to read..but thats how it goes with these things no? I miss them of course but I get to meet new people like I said

    sio I can't find a pic of him
  10. Ghostlyhaunt
    sio chan: I work 10 hrs shifts 4 days a week. I leave my house at 1pm and don't return till 2am the next morning.. 10 hrs work plus travel. I don't talk much about my marriage..it was fun for the first couple years..then things went south faster than superman can fly. I just pray the next relationship is better.. though I don't think I rush into another marriage anytime soon. There are other things I wish to experience in life.. that was one..too bad it left a sour taste in my mouth.. blah spitooeee...
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