aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hello all! > Anjelica lol I would love to yell I love Yaoi in the middle of the street but I know I never would (though like you I have been tempted)
    > Sinebran, I dont know I mean the internet and mobiles and the satelites we have now are pretty amazing when you think about it ... but we are yet to have flying cars, working long distance jet packs and citys on the moon/ mars so I think the 50s vision of the future is still a long while away although kumakun right with the government and big business ruling the world there are probably millions of really amazing things out there that "big brothers" not letting us know about like the car that runs on water and the cure for certain dieseases (spelt horribly I know) I think in the 40s they figured that the world would have decensed into nuclear war by now so in a way I'm kinda glad that didnt come true... although I want the jet packs! and the city on the moon!
  2. kumakun
    I'm kinda happy we don't have a city on the moon...it all reminds me of gundamseed and that pretty much = war but cures for things would be amazing..
  3. Watsonholmes
    I want it! I want it! They have 'My Coach Japanese' for the DS. But it's about 30 bucks too much;o;. I hate being poor...Oh on a better note I found a site with lots of weird remixesXD. Does anyone remember 'Alvin and the Chipmunks movie'? Well they have this weird remix to 'Diamond Dolls'. I just thought it was a weird thing...
  4. kumakun
    the old movies or the one that came out not to long ago? well I remember old ones but I don't at the same time...and I didn't see the new one so I guess I suck at answering that but I do remember the we are the girls of rock and roll song..or whatever that was...

    ummm this makes me happy when I need a laugh
    lol I love tutis voice..theres a subbed on of that but I'm to lazy to find it plus I just like listening to him laugh and talk to eiji...and sinebran knows this cause I made her watch it along with the flaming rainbow lol
  5. sio chan
    sio chan
    Has anyone ever read Phillip K Dick? in his book Time out of Joint earth is in a cataclismic post nuclear war with the people of the moon so I guess your right cities on the moon = not a good thing but still ... it would be amazing to visit!
    liked the link I have no idea whats happening but it was cute!
  6. Icewind
    randomness: woohoo! two more days until Quarantine is out! I've been on a horror-kick lately. I saw Mirrors a few weeks ago and it wouldn't stop.
  7. kumakun
    sio chan eiji was doing tuti as gin ^^I just like to listen to tuti (the one holding the camera)
  8. kumakun
    alright things are boring again..what shall I do this time? I'm running low here guys
    I was just reading an old interview I did with a band and I asked them if fans ever did or said anything funny in autograph lines...and lenny said this..

    "and then for some reason people seem to like to get me underwear i don't know whats people fetish with giving me underwear is but thats uh kinda interesting to i don't get it
    uh what the hell is on my head! Oh ok it's the boxers "

    yep...that was me..lol I'm so going to add the pic cause I have it on my computer..it was in my album.. lenny

    EDIT:I can't find it but I know its around here somewhere as it was in my album like I said lol

    ok here I go again..I'm on the message board I used to have for a group I promoted and for some reason I was playing around with people and this is something I posted..

    this is what my fav colors say about me

    You're well loved, giving, and affectionate. Maybe that's because you're dedicated to making the world a better place. You're not just a talker; you're a person of action
    The passionate you generates creative ideas. You are an imaginative dreamer. Your preoccupation with the future gives you the mental discipline to stay on track and direct others to do the same.

    The centered you perceives exactly which situations and relationships are inspirational. When all is quiet within, you decide what new things you are going to explore.

    The emotional you avoids making plans. You can find yourself all of a sudden immersed in someone else's imagined future. Visualize what you want and you will achieve it. Success will be yours.
    You have great concern for others, but sometimes you hide your feelings about people from yourself. You have strong analytical skills

    think thats true? thats from August 22 2002 at 11:41 PM
  9. kumakun
    hey guys heres another japanese name translater..I rather like this one..its better then some of the others I've seen anywaysbtw my name came out as keito
    this is another one that was interesting I think

    I adopted this..random of me but hey..his name is DaikiChan lol
  10. sio chan
    sio chan
    Hey my names pretty much exactly the same *ah well*
    "It is pronounced "SHIVOON".
    was hoping for something 'exotic' sounding - if that makes any sense at all? other links not working at the mo' yahoo down time
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