aarinfantasy's YAOI Collection

The shy/thinkers club:)

  1. sio chan
    sio chan
    @ chemical99 and Anjelica, first if I havnt said hello and welcome already let me do so now also rainfall is always good when your sitting somewhere in warmth and shelter but when your out in the rain it can kinda suck, although swimming down the street sound like fun!
  2. kumakun
    hello new people who I haven't said hey to yet..I'm sorry about that..it wasn't nice of me to not say anything and I guess a little out of character to those who know how I ramble anyways sometimes not alot goes on in here but please feel free to chat about whatever you want whenever you want ok?

    alright well I've been off in my own little world of self hate but am back again ^^ so on with a ramble eh?
    well I guess its not really a ramble..or atleast not one of my really random ones but I was thinking today how weird it is to have become so close to some people over the internet..b4 I was sick I never really thought about it because I was just never really around..but after I got sick and got my old laptop (just after my new love of anime ..I really used to hate it..or the idea of it more like..anyways..) I started reading fanfiction and found some good stories of course^^ I never really commented on them for some odd reason but I did with this one girls story cause it was just so good and we got to pming and then she added me to msn and we got to chatting and now we chat like every freaking day and it feels weird when I'm not talking to her because I'll be like omg gotta remember to tell her this!ya know? she became one of my best friends and I've never met her..its a little odd sometimes because I'm so used to having people I can see be my best friends and the ones that are my best best friends I've known 20 plus years so when I think about it its kinda nice cause I wonder if I would be the same if I hadn't commented on her story..sure I still have my real life friends (even tho I don't get to see them much these days because I moved and am sick) but something would really feel wrong with me I think if I didn't know her *nods*
    and heres something else shes over in england and I'm here in canada and even if we didn't know each other we would still be a friend of a friend like 4th degree or something (yes I know 6 but its four for us I believe)

    ok so right now I'm not feeling well and I'm tired so I'm sure that up there doesn't make a lot of sense since I don't even know what I'm thinking lol but I'm going to leave it as is cause I don't really care ^^

    you guys find people like that?when I was younger I used to go to concerts alot so I met alot of people..I think at one time I had 700 plus people on icq..that was some crazyness let me tell you!( also I find it funny that I know my old icq number from 10 years ago but I don't remember my new phone number :/)anyways even tho I met them and talked to them and knew them I still wasn't nearly as close to them as I am to her and I don't know why..I mean we met doing something we all liked so in theory it should be the same no? man this is long..ah whatever..my group right? I'm not making people read this right? if you are still reading this ramble leave a wave in your next message just so I can see if you are lol

    side note I'm watching the new x-men just to see the spin they put on it this time and I don't like it so much...I don't like the art style even tho its not really that different from x-men evolution really..plus all their ages being different feels weird :/
    also yes I did watch the first x-men cartoon and I totally love gambit! hes like the only x-men you can play if you are weird and play in real life lol...I'm talking at school during recess with other kids..I'm thinking the teachers didn't love us throwing cards at each other but it was fun all the same ^^
    today I found a vid on youtube to x-men evolution and the song is hbks intro lol omg love it (hbk wwe wrestling lol I don't watch it anymore but I used to watch it all the time back in the day..met alot of them to^^)
    sexy boy lol I don't know..guess I'm just in a mood :/
  3. sio chan
    sio chan
    *waves* I think I know exactly what you mean kumakun, over the web you meet people of similar interests from all over the world and just become really good friends even without meeting them (like penpals back in the day) only for the modern world right? plus, should the global econamy ever settle down, you could actually meet your friend face to face one day so I think its all good, communications and socialising in anyway you can is always good thing right? It allows us to get to someone from a completely different country and culture
  4. Anjelica
    sio chan > I agree, I only want to add something that you said in the beginning about the interests it's also people act more free about the things they think and like (you won't find me screaming " I love yaoi in the street no matter how temping it might be) and it's easier to find a person that fit to your personality
  5. kumakun
    well I think I'm going to have people come in 2010 to do something and I did invite her so I hope she comes ^^ and lol you read all that..I'm surprised I didn't really think people would

    lol but with my personality it is something I would do and have done b4 and I'm sure I will in the future yell I love yaoi outside for no real reason..I'm weird like that
  6. Sinebran
    I love meeting people online, its like traveling without moving one's butt from the computer chair lol.

    I read 2010 and thought "that sounds like such a futuristic year!" Then I remembered that it's less then two years away -.-

    Do you guys think we're advancing as fast, technology wise, as they thought we would back in the 40's and 50's?

    On a completely random note, my lamp won't stay up -.-;
  7. kumakun
    yeah 2010s not that far away..I made that date so that it would give me time..but you know that hm? shhhhh secret..o_O
    anyways I don't know really cause who knows what goes on with the government (area 51 o_O) so maybe we do have flying cars and don't know about it?
    whats that other place called..its like area 51 but underwater or something?
    I'm randomly fangirling dave moffatt and its so...weird..can't put my finger on why I was thinking about him in the first place but now its like dave *YATTA* lol I love that he took semi nudes and I can see them..its not something I thought he would ever do but I like it! sometimes I wonder about celebs coming on here (cause you know they could..I mean some like anime and like the same sex right?) and then I wonder if they ever read any of the weird crap I or crazy people like me say about them..thats not as weird and random as it sounds..I was thinking about dave..dave likes guys..but dave doesn't like anime..or atleast pokemon ( I still laugh when thinking about my massive weird yelling at him..haha seriously I wonder why he didn't get security..or stop talking to me..) anyways I'm really fangirling him right now >_<

    I love the new guy on house..hes so much like house its fun..I thought he had fun with wilson but now its like he found a real friend ya know? and I love the scene of them playing the piano and guitar together \(^o^)/
  8. kumakun
    alright people I know we have new members soooooooooooooo hello! I wish it would tell me when people joined..names I mean cause I always wonder who it is
  9. Anjelica
    kumakun > I'm new
  10. kumakun
    lol I know I was watching when you said hey but since then theres been someone else..oh well they will talk when they want too ^^
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